Floorstanders for Roksan Kandy KA-1 Mk III


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Looking for floorstander speakers for my nine year old Roksan Kandy KA-1 Mk III amp. Currently using Cambridge Audio R40 speakers which I've had since 1977 so maybe time for a change!!

I listen mainly to vinyl (from early Dylan, through psychedelia to americana) so require nothing too shrill sounding.

Room is 10 ft x 15 ft.

I'm totally unaware of what might be suitable so any suggestions, up to £600, much appreciated.
Thanks, both seem to be well regarded so I'll check them out.

What about Tannoy DC6t (priced at £800 but can be had for £540), this suggests they would be a step up from the BX5 and Qacoustics 2050i, or am I being naive?

Is any one of the above more compatible with the Roksan than the others (looking for a full-bodied sound with depth and clarity) or are they all much of a muchness?

On the face of it the Tannoys look a good deal but.............?
Thanks, both seem to be well regarded so I'll check them out.

What about Tannoy DC6t (priced at £800 but can be had for £540), this suggests they would be a step up from the BX5 and Qacoustics 2050i, or am I being naive?

Is any one of the above more compatible with the Roksan than the others (looking for a full-bodied sound with depth and clarity) or are they all much of a muchness?

On the face of it the Tannoys look a good deal but.............?
Personally I would try & demo all that has been mentioned including something from B&W
Yep, demo whatever you can.

Regards the Tannoy's they have been superceded by the DC6Tse's and i feel they may bit a bit big for your room size - but you never know.

The QAcoustics can be used closer to the rear wall if needed.
jackdaw69 said:
Thanks, both seem to be well regarded so I'll check them out.

What about Tannoy DC6t (priced at £800 but can be had for £540), this suggests they would be a step up from the BX5 and Qacoustics 2050i, or am I being naive?

Is any one of the above more compatible with the Roksan than the others (looking for a full-bodied sound with depth and clarity) or are they all much of a muchness?

On the face of it the Tannoys look a good deal but.............?

I am sure the Tannoys are very good, although I have no personal experience. Richer do stock Focal 714V which are very room tolerant and should sound cracking with Roksan, but...ahem... can find them cheaper here.
Auditioning various models at a dealer's is good advice but I'd strongly suggest you purchase on the basis you can try them in your room with your existing setup first before committing yourself. This may depend on paying a deposit or full amount. In your price range, I wouldn't discount standmounts either, despite having to factor in stands.
jackdaw69 said:
Looking for floorstander speakers for my nine year old Roksan Kandy KA-1 Mk III amp. Currently using Cambridge Audio R40 speakers which I've had since 1977 so maybe time for a change!!

I listen mainly to vinyl (from early Dylan, through psychedelia to americana) so require nothing too shrill sounding.

Room is 10 ft x 15 ft.

I'm totally unaware of what might be suitable so any suggestions, up to £600, much appreciated.

A lot of modern speakers have that warts 'n all sound so tread carefully, especially if you are used to something large, warm and cuddly. I am not talking about myself either.

Thanks for the advice, I may well give the Focals a listen.

Also, with the warts and all warning in mind how about Castle Knight 4?

I would think these lean towards warmish and might go well with the Kandy.

If anyone's familiar with these speakers please let me have your opinion.

All comments welcome!


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