First time in buying Hifi rack


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2015
Hi need some help I am looking for a Hifi rack in wood but not sure which rack to buy are this racks like cables snake oil were they promise to Inprove the sound because paying say £400 or more for a rack sounds mad I could not believe it when I looked around at the prices they are anyway I am after wood as I seen that wood make is better for vibration? Is this true as glass racks are a lot cheaper to buy . I have a wood floor so I can not use the spikes unless I put some carpet tiles underneath the rack but like the idea of spikes between sections and spike platforms I only have 2 separates amp , CD player so only 2 shelf's would be used at the moment but maybe in the future I would get myself a record player . Any ideas in the U.K.

Al ears

Well-known member
Blacksabbath25 said:
Hi need some help I am looking for a Hifi rack in wood but not sure which rack to buy are this racks like cables snake oil were they promise to Inprove the sound because paying say £400 or more for a rack sounds mad I could not believe it when I looked around at the prices they are anyway I am after wood as I seen that wood make is better for vibration? Is this true as glass racks are a lot cheaper to buy . I have a wood floor so I can not use the spikes unless I put some carpet tiles underneath the rack but like the idea of spikes between sections and spike platforms I only have 2 separates amp , CD player so only 2 shelf's would be used at the moment but maybe in the future I would get myself a record player . Any ideas in the U.K.

I have a rack from Brilliantly put together in a choice of woods and, more importantly, a choice of leg length.

Give them a try and I would still use bottom spikes but just sit them in spike cups to stop them marking the floor.


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Aug 21, 2009
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