Fearing to tread into this again but....

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cheeseboy said:
ellisdj said:
measuring frequency response is done with a sweep of fixed volume and pitch and tone.

It's clearly not reflective of actual content music movie speech or whatever.

The differences are recordable as I have done it and will continue to do it. If you can record it it's there as microphones do not have bias

a more eleoquant explanation for what you are experiencing


Interesting, but it doesn't apply to audiophiles wives. They have more accurate sound perception and processing than computers and microphones. The accuracy increases inversely proportional with the amount spent listening or knowing anything about audio and hi-fi. The audiophile will often ask hi-fi related questions to the wife to reassure himself no halucination is taking place with his latest purchase, and that indeed biwiring and boutique cables made an improvement..
cheeseboy said:
ellisdj said:
measuring frequency response is done with a sweep of fixed volume and pitch and tone.

It's clearly not reflective of actual content music movie speech or whatever.

The differences are recordable as I have done it and will continue to do it. If you can record it it's there as microphones do not have bias

a more eleoquant explanation for what you are experiencing

The problem I have with most cables make no difference believers is that we expect the cable to always sound better, cause that's the expectation right?, but in some cases it sounds worse. That video in this case is flawed. Bought cables that were raved about only to be disappionted.
ellisdj said:
watch it and listen you can hear the difference between 2 speaker cables recorded that are near identical in construction size shape length etc.

Putting aside the absurdity of trying to establish anything based upon a recording digitised by who knows what, mangled by youtube's codecs and played back through your PC, the most important point is that the man who put this together has an agenda.
Al ears said:
Ever tried terminating a coathanger?

I usually ensure my equipment has those screw-down type terminals ;-)

BTW old Chinese audiophile proverb:

Confusious the Hifi Buff say:

If want hifi make smile on face, listen with coathanger in mouth
Native_bon said:
Vladimir said:
Can you guys share what percieved differences are you hearing? More bass, less bass etc.
A clean sound with deep tight bass, smooth sounding with the absence of sounding bright. *smile*

I take it the Silvers are the brighter, faster and leaner sounding option?
andyjm said:
ellisdj said:
watch it and listen you can hear the difference between 2 speaker cables recorded that are near identical in construction size shape length etc.

Putting aside the absurdity of trying to establish anything based upon a recording digitised by who knows what, mangled by youtube's codecs and played back through your PC, the most important point is that the man who put this together has an agenda.
no agenda just a room, system and recording setup good enough to easily record sound.

Then even after some you tube compression you can still hear things clearly.

How many audiophiles use Spotify it's no different to You Tube for sound quality easily good enough for such a demonstration.

There differences you hear are not in tone volume or similar could not be done with EQ as you would hear a change like that.
I wouldn't know how to manufacture the sonic changes you hear but I can record them easily as my room is so good and doesn't add anything to the sound you hear the truth in my room
I've said this before and will say it again. Just about every Hifi magazines has made reviews on cables of any kind. Lets all stop trusting any reviews from any Hifi magazine. If we don't trust their reviews of cables then same surely should apply to all other hifi products review by them.

Happy days. *preved*
Vladimir said:
Native_bon said:
Vladimir said:
Can you guys share what percieved differences are you hearing? More bass, less bass etc.
A clean sound with deep tight bass, smooth sounding with the absence of sounding bright. *smile*

I take it the Silvers are the brighter, faster and leaner sounding option?
Vlad, this is from TQ website. I have no comparison I can offer to others and can't quite comment on SQ yet.

The “Silver” (Silver and Ultra Silver) has been designed for those who love detail. As has already been commented on, with the Ultra silver the top end is extraordinarily detailed without any harshness.

While the “Black range” (Black, Ultra Black and Black Diamond) could be categorised as neutral/ natural the “Silver” would lean more to neutral, detail and extension. The Silver performance sits beyond Black for very good reasons that you will hear.
ellisdj said:
andyjm said:
ellisdj said:
watch it and listen you can hear the difference between 2 speaker cables recorded that are near identical in construction size shape length etc.

Putting aside the absurdity of trying to establish anything based upon a recording digitised by who knows what, mangled by youtube's codecs and played back through your PC, the most important point is that the man who put this together has an agenda.
no agenda just a room, system and recording setup good enough to easily record sound.

Then even after some you tube compression you can still hear things clearly.

How many audiophiles use Spotify it's no different to You Tube for sound quality easily good enough for such a demonstration.

There differences you hear are not in tone volume or similar could not be done with EQ as you would hear a change like that. I wouldn't know how to manufacture the sonic changes you hear but I can record them easily as my room is so good and doesn't add anything to the sound you hear the truth in my room

Ellisdj, one of the first things you learn as a engineer is question everything. I really think you need to be more critical. Of course the man from 'pursuitperfectsystems.com' has an agenda, he is trying to build a online review business. His website isn't clear, but he also seems to deal in used equipment. He does not disclose whether he receives a fee for his reviews, but even if the equipment is provided free, he relies on a stream of equipment to review - a few bad reviews and the stream of gear and his business model dries up. Who knows whether he is above board or not, at the very least you need to question what you are hearing.

I have always posted that changing one perfectly good speaker cable for another perfectly good speaker cable won't make an audible difference in a domestic setup. It is extremely unlikely that swapping cables as shown in the video would be detectable for someone in ideal conditions sitting right in front of the demo system shown in the video. The fact that there are differences detectable even after the mangling required to get it through youtube raises serious questions about the reliability of the demo. As for not being able to engineer these differences - he is using DSP correction and who knows what else. Of course you can engineer these differences if you wanted to.
Andy that is me and in my systen I use Dirac Live to get a more exacting frequency response at the listening position. It's been the same response for 2 1/2 years until Tuesday when I tweaked it for the better but it stays the same all the time because it is correct sound balance. You can tell by the consistency of sound across all my videos.

You can't mangle it even if you wanted to without it being obvious I also don't have time for messing about like that, I really don't have the time everything sound wise is straight from the recorder and not touched in any way with mics placed at ear height at the listening position. always has been and always will be.
also I would give a bad review if a product was bad but I have had all pretty much stellar products recently. I do point out the bits that are not right or could be better. All backed up by recordings and A/B demos
Vladimir said:
Interesting, but it doesn't apply to audiophiles wives. They have more accurate sound perception and processing than computers and microphones. The accuracy increases inversely proportional with the amount spent listening or knowing anything about audio and hi-fi. The audiophile will often ask hi-fi related questions to the wife to reassure himself no halucination is taking place with his latest purchase, and that indeed biwiring and boutique cables made an improvement..

of course! how could I forget the science effect immune audiophiles wife. Good job they are the best kept secret otherwise the government would be using them for all sorts of research 🙂

Native_bon said:
The problem I have with most cables make no difference believers is that we expect the cable to always sound better, cause that's the expectation right?, but in some cases it sounds worse. That video in this case is flawed. Bought cables that were raved about only to be disappionted.

That's not how it works, sorry. The video is not flawed, it just shows you how your brain can actually alter how you percieve things. Good and bad are personal preferences and it's not what's being covered.
ellisdj said:
You wont see a freq response difference or an impulse reponse difference from changing a source or other links in the chain but you hear them, thats not the indicator.

if the sound is actually changing and you cant see any frequency response then maybe your recording equipment is not revealing enough, or you are not using the right type of recording cables.
a frequency response is taken from a frequency sweep. Do you ever listen to any music that sounds like this? No it's not reflective of sound quality in anyway just sound translation which is just one indicator of getting good sound
according to your comment based on a frequency sweep vinyl tape mini disc 8 track CD mp3 will all sound the same as the speakers freq resposne will measure the same regardless of the source.

You do realise that all microphones have their own sound characteristics with different ones being used for different jobs.

Tape, Mini Disc, mp3 etc. all measure differently and if your measuring equipment cannot easily identify the differences then you do have a problem, as it makes all you previous recordings null & void. (Did I mention microphones also make a difference?)

Either way the mics are the same for all recordings so any signature is imparted on every recording

I have already considered that and bought appropriae microphones to reduce that to its minimum

EDIT - you wouldnt see a difference in a speaker measurement difference such as frequency or impulse based on the source used but they still sound different - dont twist the point, meaning that that measurement is not an indicator of sound quality.
different sources can measure differently https://aquila.usm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1541&context=honors_theses
If you play a sweep like you do for a speaker frequency resposne measurment it won't matter what the source is the result will be the same but the sound will be different your arguing something different
cheeseboy said:
Vladimir said:
Interesting, but it doesn't apply to audiophiles wives. They have more accurate sound perception and processing than computers and microphones. The accuracy increases inversely proportional with the amount spent listening or knowing anything about audio and hi-fi. The audiophile will often ask hi-fi related questions to the wife to reassure himself no halucination is taking place with his latest purchase, and that indeed biwiring and boutique cables made an improvement..

of course! how could I forget the science effect immune audiophiles wife. Good job they are the best kept secret otherwise the government would be using them for all sorts of research 🙂



Sometimes The Audiophile tries to guide the direction of this blog by talking extra loudly to someone about something silly like using copper shielding in a cable of some sort.

I could not care less about copper shielding, but I Googled it anyway. Holy buckets. Don't do that unless you want to test your tolerance for the boring and mundane.


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