Richard Allen:
the_lhc:putt1ck:Companies survive if they (a) make a profit and (b) maintain a positive cashflow. Helped by (c) a good public image. Ignoring emails is not the right way to go about that.
That is why it was suggested that people phone them. They have asked for this repeatedly. A 5 minute phone conversation about order status or amp compatibility is a lot easier all round than pages of faceless email.
Why pages?
Hello EB,
re: Order number xxxxxxx
Can you tell me when I might reasonably expect delivery of my speakers?
The LHC.
Are you seriously telling me that that isn't quicker than picking up the phone, getting an engaged tone, putting it down trying again later, etc, etc. I'm at work, I'm busy as well, I can't sit on the phone while I'm supposed to be working but I can bang out a quick email, I typed that in 15 seconds, it would take me longer than that to look up the phone number on their website, and dial the number. And anyway, I don't need an answer NOW, I just need an answer, so I email you, you get the email and answer it sometime today, or tomorrow, I'm not bothered, I don't need to phone up to get the information I need. I'll give you the bit about discussing amp compatibility (maybe, we seem to manage conversations like that in the typed medium here quite adequately) but for order status, no, it's ridiculous to demand people ring up, you can only serve one person at a time then, that's inefficient. If Rick doesn't have the time to answer emails because he's too busy making the speakers then how can he be answering the phones all the time?
I'm genuinely not having a go, I think the EB2s are one of the most exciting products to hit the market in the last couple of years and if I ever get round to replacing my speakers they are one of the models on the list, so this is real concern on my part that a really good product is going to disappear because the company that makes it is 20 years out of date in regards to their communication abilities, causing customers to look elsewhere. In market and economical conditions that are getting tougher and tougher nobody can afford to annoy potential (or actual) customers in this way (look at this thread, they ARE annoyed!).