EB Acoustic EB1

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I would never buy any hi-fi equipment without a home audition, except if I was offered an amazing deal that I knew I could sell on for a profit if it didn't fit it. That's the whole point of buying NEW equipment - to audition. If not you might as well go secondhand.

FYI I had a home audition of ATC SCM11s (as a possible replacements to my Dyn Aud 52se) but couldn't get on with them.

In fact putt1ck why don't you bring your EB2s round my gaff and I can try them ?



Too busy listening to them. And then you might have heard they are larger than your more typical modern standmount speaker. Now they are in their wallmounts they're staying there...

12 hours of listening time so far, definitely getting better. I'd order them and get a full 30 days to test them with most of your music collection (presuming time off work or homeworking, takeaways that deliver and resistance to other things, 30 days gets you 500 albums...). Think of it as your not getting on with them as a contribution to the public good - someone gets some ex-demo with no waiting time

Richard Allen

New member
Jan 9, 2010
the_lhc:putt1ck:Companies survive if they (a) make a profit and (b) maintain a positive cashflow. Helped by (c) a good public image. Ignoring emails is not the right way to go about that.

That is why it was suggested that people phone them. They have asked for this repeatedly. A 5 minute phone conversation about order status or amp compatibility is a lot easier all round than pages of faceless email. Understandable that some people in foreign parts will use email as opposed to phone. And ( thank the Lord ), they're glad they're not Ryanair, or Easijet for that matter.


I simply think it is inexcusable that someone who purchased the speakers in August still has not received them, while individuals who placed their orders in November have already been served. I purchased mine in early October and I am still waiting (I expected around 3 months waiting time, despite the quoted 6-8 weeks, so I'm not anxious yet, although I really look forward to hooking them up with my new Nait XS!)


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Perhaps then it is a case of... "the squeaky wheel gets the oil".

Make periodic phone calls as suggested by Richard.

A friend of mine had to wait quite a few weeks last year whilst ATC made up a pair of SCM11s (at least 6 weeks). EB are not alone in these sort of delays. When the NaimUniti was launched my local dealer soon ran out and was taking orders that also took many weeks to fulfill.


I ordered mine in October and would still be waiting if I hadn't decided to brave the weather and crazy drivers and go collect them :)


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
Richard Allen:
the_lhc:putt1ck:Companies survive if they (a) make a profit and (b) maintain a positive cashflow. Helped by (c) a good public image. Ignoring emails is not the right way to go about that.

That is why it was suggested that people phone them. They have asked for this repeatedly. A 5 minute phone conversation about order status or amp compatibility is a lot easier all round than pages of faceless email.

Why pages?

Hello EB,

re: Order number xxxxxxx

Can you tell me when I might reasonably expect delivery of my speakers?

The LHC.

Are you seriously telling me that that isn't quicker than picking up the phone, getting an engaged tone, putting it down trying again later, etc, etc. I'm at work, I'm busy as well, I can't sit on the phone while I'm supposed to be working but I can bang out a quick email, I typed that in 15 seconds, it would take me longer than that to look up the phone number on their website, and dial the number. And anyway, I don't need an answer NOW, I just need an answer, so I email you, you get the email and answer it sometime today, or tomorrow, I'm not bothered, I don't need to phone up to get the information I need. I'll give you the bit about discussing amp compatibility (maybe, we seem to manage conversations like that in the typed medium here quite adequately) but for order status, no, it's ridiculous to demand people ring up, you can only serve one person at a time then, that's inefficient. If Rick doesn't have the time to answer emails because he's too busy making the speakers then how can he be answering the phones all the time?

I'm genuinely not having a go, I think the EB2s are one of the most exciting products to hit the market in the last couple of years and if I ever get round to replacing my speakers they are one of the models on the list, so this is real concern on my part that a really good product is going to disappear because the company that makes it is 20 years out of date in regards to their communication abilities, causing customers to look elsewhere. In market and economical conditions that are getting tougher and tougher nobody can afford to annoy potential (or actual) customers in this way (look at this thread, they ARE annoyed!).


I have recieved several concerned phone calls from Richard at EB over the past few days, to say that they have now been posted, and also to keep me up to date with the finer details of the delivery service. Now that I have a tracking number from TNT I can say I have now been reassured that EB is absolutely NOT a scammer, which was my (understandably) original fear after such a long delivery wait. My order did, as it turn out, slip through the net, but now all is back on track.

I am also reassured as to the power of forums like these, and the integrity of the What Hi Fi team.

Merry Xmas to all.



New member
Nov 29, 2009
Ajani:jules153:Remeber though, the whole point with the EB range - since there are no dealers - is to AUDITION the speakers at home. Waiting 4 months then sending them back within 30 days seems a bit long winded to me (!)
IMO, the wait time is way too long... It would be somewhat different if you had already auditioned the speakers and decided they are the only one for you, then you maybe willing to wait 4-5 months... But 4-5 months just for an audition is extreme
Maybe EBA should adopt a similar strategy to XTZ.

You pay a deposit and are sent a demo unit. If you like what you hear they collect the demo unit, charge the remaining amount on your card, and send you a brand new unit. If you don't like it then they collect the unit and refund your deposit minus shipping costs "which will have been pre-agreed when you paid the deposit".

So with the EB2 for example, an interested customer recieves the demo unit and has 30 days to audition. At the end of that period the demo unit is sent to the next interested party. This will decrease audition times considerably, though of course the waiting time for brand new units will remain the same.

Those who like the sound will probably be willing to wait. Those who don't will not have wasted as much time and can carry on with their search.

Just a thought.


OK! Well , its been a year since I have had the EB1s now. What can I say? hmmm. They are good, when I compare them to my old Mordaunt Short Ms10s and 20s they seem to separate the instruments much more. Bass goes low and is tight. The speakers seem very true to the original.They look SUPERB - the photo on what hi fi doesnt show this at all. Cabinet build quality is Rolls Royce. Overall they are certainly "better" than anything I have had before.

However (!- here we go), I have never got excited by them. I sort of think "ok, lets put something on the stereo" but I dont really hang around to marvel at the sound. I think my main complaint is that they are SO neutral. I need to put on the loudness button and then add a quarter of turn of treble to excite me in any way.

Then they work fine.

In summary, great speakers, solid as a rock at middle volume levels (not quite annoying neighbours below), but a bit like eating a vegetarian lasagna - theres something missing.

And I do think the 470pounds is too high. They would be a bargain at half that figure. But at 470 I cant help thinking I could have got something that would make my heart race.

One final point, and I do not mean this to be too damning - the chap at EB spent an awful long time chatting to me on the phone for someone who had a huge backlog of orders... I just think they are a bit internet averse..!

Well, this all sounds harsh - perhaps more than I meant it to.

In a nutshell, if you like that sort of Tannoy sound then great. If you hark back to pioneer stack system sound in the 80s then forget it!

Happy new year..



New member
Nov 10, 2011
:) That's why People used to put the happy smile on their graphic equalizers. It made them feel happy ! and gave them a buzz.

Now, it's all about flat, NEAUTRAL speakers. I hear people harking on about them all the time. Does it always make you feel happy, No it doesn't. Some music, not all, needs a little VaVa Voom. A little extra kick in the bass( Dynaudio) or a little fizz in the treble( Monitor Audio) is what people want.

its late. :beer:


Neutral is the primary aim of anything that claims to be "High fidelity". Nothing added and nothing taken away. Which is why I grin when people go on about horribly distorting (ok warm, organic sounding) analogue gear.

I want neutral, and I am more than happy to equalize if I disagree with the person who mastered the recording if I think he or she has got it wrong.

Oh, and I waited 6 weeks for my BK sub which should have been 1. But for the fact that it is excellent, I would have gone mental (ler) :)
moon said:
:) That's why People used to put the happy smile on their graphic equalizers. It made them feel happy ! and gave them a buzz.

Now, it's all about flat, NEAUTRAL speakers. I hear people harking on about them all the time. Does it always make you feel happy, No it doesn't. Some music, not all, needs a little VaVa Voom. A little extra kick in the bass( Dynaudio) or a little fizz in the treble( Monitor Audio) is what people want.

its late. :beer:

I totally agree. I've always crowed on about music being fun rather than analysing every nook and cranny. Music should be heard and not picked apart (although I've been guilty of this off and on).

I won't knock anyone if their taste is different to mine, but I find a all neutral system, over longer listening sessions, sounds a little sterile. Just doesn't get the juices flowing.
chebby said:
Perhaps then it is a case of... "the squeaky wheel gets the oil".

Make periodic phone calls as suggested by Richard.

A friend of mine had to wait quite a few weeks last year whilst ATC made up a pair of SCM11s (at least 6 weeks). EB are not alone in these sort of delays. When the NaimUniti was launched my local dealer soon ran out and was taking orders that also took many weeks to fulfill.

Yup, and the same with Audiolab's MDac, apparently.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
'vegetarian lasagne'

I am a carnivore. BBQ one of may favourite meals!

Had to eat vegetarian lasagne once as it was all that was on the menu.

Loved it! One of the best meals I had ever had!


Extra buttons on amps are there to be played with!

You might not like the idea but why do people choose 'X' amp over 'Y' Amp?

As others have said some music is just not mastered correctly!

Each to there own with Hi Fi, but I have found that my expectations have changed over the years.

I have swapped massive 'detail' for more 'natural' with a massive pouring of 'warm'.

I don't like to play with buttons but they are there if I need them.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
FennerMachine said:
'vegetarian lasagne'

I am a carnivore. BBQ one of may favourite meals!

Had to eat vegetarian lasagne once as it was all that was on the menu.

Loved it! One of the best meals I had ever had!


Extra buttons on amps are there to be played with!

You might not like the idea but why do people choose 'X' amp over 'Y' Amp?

As others have said some music is just not mastered correctly!

Each to there own with Hi Fi, but I have found that my expectations have changed over the years.

I have swapped massive 'detail' for more 'natural' with a massive pouring of 'warm'.

I don't like to play with buttons but they are there if I need them.


There is no "one size fits all". My aim is natural.....anyway it's near impossible to know what the original engineer heard unless you were there.

Hifi forums all too regularly have people unhappy with the sound they are getting, which is usually because it's too forward and clinical.

Neutral is in itself so subjective, that it's hard to pin down.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
CnoEvil said:
FennerMachine said:
'vegetarian lasagne'

I am a carnivore. BBQ one of may favourite meals!

Had to eat vegetarian lasagne once as it was all that was on the menu.

Loved it! One of the best meals I had ever had!


Extra buttons on amps are there to be played with!

You might not like the idea but why do people choose 'X' amp over 'Y' Amp?

As others have said some music is just not mastered correctly!

Each to there own with Hi Fi, but I have found that my expectations have changed over the years.

I have swapped massive 'detail' for more 'natural' with a massive pouring of 'warm'.

I don't like to play with buttons but they are there if I need them.

Agreed. There is no "one size fits all". My aim is natural.....anyway it's near impossible to know what the original engineer heard unless you were there. Hifi forums all too regularly have people unhappy with the sound they are getting, which is usually because it's too forward and clinical. Neutral is in itself so subjective, that it's hard to pin down.

I agree with the other points but I can't agree with that last line.

Neutral is NOT subjective... Simple measurements will tell you whether gear is neutral... The problem is that we attempt to determine whether a frequency response is neutral "by ear", then claim that products with obviously rolled of treble measurements are neutral, while ones that are totally flat are somehow bright etc...


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Ajani said:
I agree with the other points but I can't agree with that last line.

Neutral is NOT subjective... Simple measurements will tell you whether gear is neutral... The problem is that we attempt to determine whether a frequency response is neutral "by ear", then claim that products with obviously rolled of treble measurements are neutral, while ones that are totally flat are somehow bright etc...

Interesting point, and I have to confess that I didn't know you could measure neutrality (as opposed to accuracy - if they are different).

I was really referring to the opinions on what neutrality is, that are bandied about, without a measurement in sight. :)


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