Dynaudio Saphire -comments anyone ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Any comments on these speakers from anyone ?  they are limited edition which is why I suppose there are not many reviews around.  I am v.close to buying them, have auditioned them and they sounded great in the shop with a Plinius CD101 & 9200 amp.  My concern is that they are "boomy" if too close to the wall, I live in an apartment and although my room is quite big (4mx6m) they will be close to the wall ~0.5m.  Someone (Another dealer) said a customer of his had traded some of these in for his type of speakers (horn speakers), because of this booming issue.  Anway they are expensive speakers so I want to check, and at that price level I have almost any speakers to pick from as a same price or cheaper alternative.

Your comments appreciated, my wife is ready to give me the boot if I don't end the research and buy a stereo !


I've heard them briefly a couple of times (again, with the superb Plinius pairing) and they sounded great, but we've never done a formal test, so have not been able to experiment re positioning etc, or comparative listening.

However, I think you've answered your own question: if they're boomy close to a wall, and you want to place them close to the wall, then they may not be the speakers for you!

You've got a decent-sized room - do they have to be that tucked in? 0.5m is close to the back wall for just about any larger-scale speaker design....
ah ha, thanks, is there such a thing as a comparable quality speaker (again for Plinius pairing) that is not so fussy about being close to a wall ?

I notice in What HiFi's Ultimate Guide to Hifi that the review says Monitor Audio Platinum PL300's ... "aren't fussy about their precise positioning or toe in" (yah ?). ÿBut, the review also says "Work best in a larger room" (Aw). ÿDoes this refer just to (not fussy about) position in the room, or does this also meanÿÿ(not fussy about) close-ness to a wall ? ÿAlso, is my 4x6m room considered large enough for these to work well ?

The Wilson Benesch A.C.Tÿÿalso make for an enticing review, same question though: how fussy on the distance from the wall ? Or is it just a rule of thumb that all/most speakers at this price/quality level need to be away from the wall ?

Am I overdoing it on the speakers and could go for something at a lower price level for the Plinius pairing ? ÿI was so close to buying these Dyaudios, but I only get to spend this money once so not knowing how these systems will actually sound in my flat is giving me these last minute wobbles on the purchase. Thanks for your help.

No because it doesn't talk about the wall distance concern that I have. ÿI agree that they some fantastic as the review reads. ÿThanks for your consideration anyway though.
Hi,Very few high-end speakers are designed to go close to a wall. I think the PL300s would work better than the Wilson Beneschs in such a context, but the only way to make sure is to have a home demo.ÿI think the price level you've chosen is about as much as I'd spend on speakers for the Plinius pairing. If you're after something cheaper give Spendor's A6s (about two grand) a go. They'll work well close to a wall, and may well surprise you with their quality.ÿ
thanks Ketan, maybe I do need to knock this speaker frenzy down a gear and start thinking about normal money for my system again. ÿI'll go and give the Spendor A6's a listen.


Still, I can't forget just how far better these Saphires were compared to the others int eh Dynaudio range, and how less boomy pretty much the whole Dynadio range was compared to some other popular speakers that I lsitened to where.



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