

New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've just received some old dynatron speakers and i can't seem to find any information about them - the model number on the back is LS1434. Anybody know anything about dynatron speakers?

Will they be ok to use with my nad c326 amp without doing any damage to anything? Also, will these speakers be a big step down (or step up) from the tannoy f1 speakers i was using before?
Dynatron were a traditional Radiogram manufacturer who used to sell pieces of mock 'period' furniture with cheap Garrard turntables and radios fitted. Usually they had pull-out out speakers incorporated into the main body of the Radiogram/Music-centre.

The only ones I ever heard were pretty dreadful but they sold well at the time (I am thinking back to the 1970s) to middle aged people who wanted a stereo with a faux 'antique' look to match their living/dining room furniture. They also exploited their.. 'By Royal Appointment' status to the same type of people.

I don't know what yours look like (most were 'antique' styled but I think they did a few more contemporary designs.)

If the grilles can come off without destroying anything, then check out the drivers and foam surrounds for perished rubber etc. A lot of this Dynatron gear did not even have seperate drivers, crossovers etc but a single oval shaped driver wired up with bell wire inside and (most likely) a DIN style connector.

Can you provide pics?
Thanks for the information chebby.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/trashman4130/2206795261/ - These look exactly the same as the ones i've got, and similar if not the same as the ones in your link. I'm assuming by the fact that this guy picked his up for less than £18 mine aren't worth a great deal?

There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get under the grilles on them unfortunately.
bob123:I'm assuming by the fact that this guy picked his up for less than £18 mine aren't worth a great deal?


(I think he picked up the entire music centre - including speakers - for £18)
Dang. Oh well, i didn't pay anything for mine so it's not too bad.

Do you think there's any chance of doing any damage if i hook these bad boys up? Also, the wires coming from the speakers are brown and blue rather than black and red. Do you know which wire is positive and which is negative?
Not in my experience I'm afraid.

It was about 35 years ago the last time I saw an actual Dynatron in action and I think that had the standard 2 pin DIN speaker plugs and grey wire.

I was a kid back then. Please excuse my ignorance of these things.
No worries, you've given me a lot more information than i could find elsewhere on the internet.

Yeah these speakers also had the DIN plugs which i removed to reveal a blue and a brown wire. I think i'll just shove brown in black and blue in red and see what happens!

Cheers for the info


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