DRM Free Downloads from Play.com....Good News!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Yey this is great news! Makes downloading music with decent audio quality much easier. As a Walkman owner I was largely 'limited' to WMA or Atrac files and I'm not totally convinced about the sound quality of WMA. Now there's more choice and at a very reasonable price! 7Digital also have a good selection if anyone is looking...
[quote user="oeurf"]Yey this is great news! Makes downloading music with decent audio quality much easier. As a Walkman owner I was largely 'limited' to WMA or Atrac files and I'm not totally convinced about the sound quality of WMA. Now there's more choice and at a very reasonable price! 7Digital also have a good selection if anyone is looking...[/quote]

I have been waiting for napster to start releasing drm free but still no go... I get most of my film and games from play so its very good news i can download my msic too
This might encourage Apple to lower the price of their own offerings, yet that'll depend on how fickle their customers plan to be. iTunes will still make it seemingly easier for a lot of people, who might even pay for the convenience of the track being dropped straight into their library. These hypothetical people being those that'll still buy DRM tracks via iTunes, and are being consequently tied into iTunes.

DRM doesn't affect the bad guys, as they find ways around it. And it only encourages legitimate users to do the same in order to enjoy their media, that they bought and should be able to use how they would like. Making their DRM tracks even cheaper than iTunes DRM ones makes this extremely good news.