Leif said:I've been thinking about the HiFi+ Magazine speaker cables review, and it is a perplexing article. Firstly the other tests linked to by several people here show with little doubt that the results of blind tests are quite different from the results of sighted tests. In other words, visual cues play a significant role. This does not force anyone to buy products blind of course, since physical appearance does matter and does add to the enjoyment of a system.
However, that is not what the HiFi+ review did. They did not do sighted tests. They attempted to do blind tests alone. I am still thinking about the results, but a few thoughts do occur. Firstly, they did not test for repeatability which I feel is a serious mistake. Had they tested the cables twice, with the same system, but changed the order and the control, that would have been far far more valuable. It would have told us if the results were repeatable and hence of value. As it is, we have no idea if the results are repeatable.
I am still thinking about the results, but I do think they missed an important trick here if they want to convince people that cables make a difference (and they make it clear they are cable believers). That said there does seem to be more consistency among the reviewers than by chance, but I am no statistician, and a statistician would be needed to analyse the results properly.
My own view is that the price of these cables is ridiculous when you take into account other factors, such as bad recordings, and room acoustics, and they stray deep into the realms of obsessiveness. But we will all reach our own view on this issue I am sure.
1) the links to show results of blind tests show different results of sighted tests - no they dont as they are not scientific, nor do they make proper comparisons
2) I agree with you, you need repeatability, and they could have done that.
3) that wasnt the supposed hypothesis of the test that cables make a difference, in the article. It was that more expensive cables are sometimes worth it.
4) You dont need a statitician to do a t test.
5) Obsessivenss when you dont even try different cables, even basic cheap ones. Crazy.