Phileas said:
The_Lhc said:
So are you.
Anyway, I wasn't specifically referring to you but certain others who seem to have some emotional issues with AVI.
I tend to think if someone comes along and visits your house, tells you that your furniture is crap, your car's a pile of worthless rubbish, and how much better you could've bought for much less money, that your wife is fat and ugly, your kids are lined up to go to prison etc, I think most of us would get a little, er, emotionally upset, or have emotional 'issues' with such a person.
OK, that's a bit of an extreme analogy, but I think all of us have a certain amount of 'something' invested in the decisions we make as consumers, and the things we buy.
There seems to be a certain type of sales approach where it seems perfectly OK to bag the hell out of the 'opposition', or the things people own, to try and make a sale.
I experienced this for the first time when I was about 14 years of age, and shopping for some trendy/groovy clothes, and the elderly matron serving, thought she'd do me a favour by pointing out how mundane and ordinary was my dress, and how much better was the stuff she was trying to flog me.
Needless to say I didn't buy anything from her, as I felt unreasonably, and unfairly insulted.
This sales approach seems sadly endemic to the obsessional, neurotic audiophile world, where people use music as a pretext for spending hours listening to their systems.
I first experienced it as a Naim owner, both from the company "You're Nobody Without a Naim", and from the legions of Naim fanbois.
It was apparently not enough that I'm a classical trained musician, and accordingly took umbridge to the PRaT/Flat Earth HiFi philosophy as having anything to do with actual music performance per se, being more of a made up marketing term, and hence needed to be taken to a HiFi Gulag, and 're-educated', 'taught how to listen', and have my hearing checked.
It seemed it was perfectly OK to insult people to their back teeth online, where such talk in a real life pub for example, might see you carried out on a stretcher were you to utter it to the wrong person.
I really see no reason why HiFi cannot be discussed in sensible, but fun, and yet respectful ways in online forums.
Certainly, I own active speakers, and am well aware of the real world technical benefits, but if others choose to mix and match, and spend a lot of money constantly swapping kit out and many hours listening to their kit, that's their perogative and choice - and good luck to them - you can have worse hobbies, or waste a lot more money on other things.
Bagging people for their consumer choices, whether it be HiFi, cars, furniture, photography kit etc, just seems highly unpleasant, unneccessary, and I don't have a lot of sympathy for those who practice it, and then cry victim, when people call them out, and attack them back for it.
Just my 2c worth
PS: I'm very happy with my B&O kit thank you very much, ...and feel no need to try AVI or anything else.....
Thankfully, B&O don't market to audiophiles, hence as an owner, you don't find yourself caught up in all these offensive audiophile marketing 'techniques'... and thank goodness for that, as it makes a deeply refreshing change, and one that only increases my professional appreciation for the company.
JB :cheers: