I'm a fan of 3D I must say but like others here it really depends on the movie...Avatar, Life of Pi, The Avengers, Prometheus and The Hobbit are all superb 3D discs and anyone who has watched them on my equipment has agreed that 3D can be grerat and involve you further in the film.
I recently went to see both Man of Steel and Star Trek Into Darkness at my local (ish) IMax cinema in 3D and both were presented brilliantly in 3D with no loss of picture quality that I could detect. I can fully understand those that simply don't like 3D and it's very true that active 3D isn't for everyone but I love it at home and the resolution offered by active 3D is lovely.
For 3D at home I agree that you need decent kit, supermarket bargains in the TV and bluray departments simply aren't capable of delivering a decent 3D experience that's comfortable to watch but I'm very happy with the 3D experience I get at home.
What has to be said though is that a big screen is essential for a decent 3D effect at home, having just gone from a Sony 46HX853 to a Samsung 55F8000 I have really noticed a jump in 3D quality. It's partly down to the superior way in which my new TV deals with 3D and also down to the extra screen size which has a real impact on the quality of 3D immersion which really draws you into movies.
I'm a little surprised at how divided opinion is on the subject though because from my point of view to own a 3D TV and then not use the function does seem like a little bit of a waste but then it's not as if there are any decent 2D only TVs out there, perhaps manufacturers are missing a trick here as it would seem from this thread and the WHF twitter feed that there is a strong market for decent 2D Tvs :?