Does anyone else out there like 3d movies

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professorhat said:
ellisdj said:
That sounds like an uncalibrated screen, I wouldnt assume its perfectly calibrated for every viewign far from it - its probably calibrated at first and thats it.

Sorry, not sure what you mean by this?

It means he believes he has a better set up in his house than the BFI IMax. This is a common argument on this forum - "the reason why you cannot see a difference between HDMI cables/mains cables etc is because your system is not properly calibrated". I always thought that was quite funny, but when it comes to the BFI IMax, it is hilarious. I don't know why people cannot accept that some people don't care for 3D. I have the same problem with tea - I really don't like it and over the years a huge number of tea missionaries have told me I would like darjeeling or green tea or lower mongolian goat tea but i just don't like it however it is presented.
sogophonio11 said:
I was talking about HOME CINEMA! Not the local flee pit.

And again. I wasn't talking about the local flea pit. I was talking about the BFI IMAX. Anyone who thinks their home cinema rivals this place is seriously deluded - it's the main reason I go there since it actually offers a significant enough benefit over and above my home cinema that it's (just about) worth the cost. Well, as long as they're not showing a 3D film that is...

I only go to see very few films there though, as most titles don't warrant it and I'll happily wait to see them at home.
I'll tend to watch films in 3D if the IMAX version is available, having seen Man of Steel and Pacific Rim in IMAX3d i have to say they were both excellent, i did however choose to watch Wolverine in plain old 2D in my local vue instead (as there is not IMAX showing) which i think is a 4k system, looked pretty good, but on reflection i think the 3D (or maybe IMAX) made the other films stick in my mind more as spectacular visually.
sogophonio11 said:
I was talking about HOME CINEMA! Not the local flee pit. 3D watched at home on decent kit properly calibrated etc. Watched one film at a multiplex and walked out half way through! Complete sxxx. Paper glasses!! 3D served up with russling pop corn bags and yaking kids etc. And kit that belongs in a museum! I consider my home cinema very much middle of the road compared to some people i know. But it wipes the floor with all the commercial cinemas i have ventured into over the years! And wandered into , only to compare mine with.

Active glasses, properly calibrated display, decent movie ( That shot in true 3D in the first place) Out of this world! You cant get that at a commercial cinema. I really just dont understand how folk can not be taken by it? :? :O

I am not such a big fan then. I don't like the 3D glasses and have found them awkward to use. I am also nervous about the affect it might have on the TV - lines etc.
I'm a bit of a late convert having found the active system didn't work for me because I could see flicker, so I dismissed it. On a 65 inch passive screen with a good sound system the results can be astonishing. Sky is often good but 3d bluray can be almost unbelievable.

For me it's still a young technology but I'm now a huge fan. Results are always better at home than at the cinema. We have weekly film nights and every one who's come says their next TV will have 3d.
No not deluded! :rofl: Have some very sceptical friends, who tell me What i already know! My system in its little bat cave, does actualy look and sound better than a commercial cinema! This IMax cinema you are so fond of, but you have nothing to compare it with really. Maybe you need some new kit? :wave:
ellisdj said:
That sounds like an uncalibrated screen, I wouldnt assume its perfectly calibrated for every viewign far from it - its probably calibrated at first and thats it.

I am also guessing its passive 3D in the Imax - my experience of cinema passive 3D is not very good - active 3D on the other hand is very different and 99.5% (film depending) free from blur, cross talk and other nasties

I was planning to visit my local Imax at some point, glad I have never bothered now

Cross talk is a problem with active 3D & LCD sets, not passive 3D. Active sets also suffer from flicker. Passive 3D is infinitely more comfortable than active. 3D TVs are getting better, but the gold standard is still cinema.
sogophonio11 said:
No not deluded! :rofl: Have some very sceptical friends, who tell me What i already know! My system in its little bat cave, does actualy look and sound better than a commercial cinema! This IMax cinema you are so fond of, but you have nothing to compare it with really. Maybe you need some new kit? :wave:

Can you post some pictures of your bat cave? :clap:
sogophonio11 said:
No not deluded! :rofl: Have some very sceptical friends, who tell me What i already know! My system in its little bat cave, does actualy look and sound better than a commercial cinema! This IMax cinema you are so fond of, but you have nothing to compare it with really. Maybe you need some new kit? :wave:

professorhat said:
sogophonio11 said:
No not deluded! :rofl: Have some very sceptical friends, who tell me What i already know! My system in its little bat cave, does actualy look and sound better than a commercial cinema! This IMax cinema you are so fond of, but you have nothing to compare it with really. Maybe you need some new kit? :wave:



On my mobile, so can't check what IMAX system is his KEF R500 pitched against, never mind the fact that IMAX screen is much larger than his entire house! 🙂
Ah got it now, you watch movies on your mobile :rofl: That explains it clearly now. Maybe your mobile can tell you how big my house is then? You seem to know an awfull lot of stuff 😉 Must go now, got to get my post level up to yours, not much to say, but will give it a go :wave:
sogophonio11 said:
No scrub that. Over to a forum where people actualy know what they are talking about :wave: :hand:

:O :wave:
I seem to have angered a few people here, can we perhaps agree that if the glasses disappear and laser projection takes over in cinemas and one day the home that 3d does have a chance to win back a few haters,I think what the man who left the forum was really just trying to say if 3d is done right with a good 3d movie it is a cracking movie experience .in burbank California back in April the cinema was packed for a showing of g.i joe 2 in 3d using laser projection and even the 3d haters couldn't help but applaud the difference .
professorhat said:
sogophonio11 said:
No not deluded! :rofl: Have some very sceptical friends, who tell me What i already know! My system in its little bat cave, does actualy look and sound better than a commercial cinema! This IMax cinema you are so fond of, but you have nothing to compare it with really. Maybe you need some new kit? :wave:


theflyingwasp said:
I seem to have angered a few people here, can we perhaps agree that if the glasses disappear and laser projection takes over in cinemas and one day the home that 3d does have a chance to win back a few haters,I think what the man who left the forum was really just trying to say if 3d is done right with a good 3d movie it is a cracking movie experience .in burbank California back in April the cinema was packed for a showing of g.i joe 2 in 3d using laser projection and even the 3d haters couldn't help but applaud the difference .

Don't worry, I don't think you've angered anyone! I don't think sogophonio11 angered anyone as such. It's just astonishing how some people seem to be completely unable to understand other people see the world differently and have different viewpoints. However, given that I'm marrying a clinical psychologist, I probably shouldn't be that astonished as I know exactly how this can be the case!

And I don't hate 3D, I hate bad 3D where it doesn't add to the movie experience and makes the picture worse than the 2D equivalent. Unfortunately, I've yet to see a 3D movie anywhere where this isn't the case - and until this issue is solved, I'd rather not watch it thanks 🙂
theflyingwasp said:
I seem to have angered a few people here, can we perhaps agree that if the glasses disappear and laser projection takes over in cinemas and one day the home that 3d does have a chance to win back a few haters,I think what the man who left the forum was really just trying to say if 3d is done right with a good 3d movie it is a cracking movie experience .in burbank California back in April the cinema was packed for a showing of g.i joe 2 in 3d using laser projection and even the 3d haters couldn't help but applaud the difference .

I don't hate 3d and I doubt many do. I just prefer 2d. What I would hate is having to watch GI Joe 2 in any format.
theflyingwasp said:
I seem to have angered a few people here, can we perhaps agree that if the glasses disappear and laser projection takes over in cinemas and one day the home that 3d does have a chance to win back a few haters,I think what the man who left the forum was really just trying to say if 3d is done right with a good 3d movie it is a cracking movie experience .in burbank California back in April the cinema was packed for a showing of g.i joe 2 in 3d using laser projection and even the 3d haters couldn't help but applaud the difference .

No Sir, you have not angered anyone! I'm quite happy to accept that other people may like 3D more than I do. Plus, in your home you have the advantage of an utterly gorgeous reference standard television, the Panasonic 60ZT65, and 3D performance is one of its very many strengths.


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