Do you still enjoy your system?

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iceman16 said:
I have had mine for quite a while now(main) and Im still very impressed for what is doing) every music I played is like a revelation!

yes, I do. Even though I would be tempted, if I had the money, to build a [Hegel H160 + Harbeth/ATC], [Chord Hugo/Simaudio Moon 300d v2 + Supernait 2/Roksan K3 + ATC/SF Venere/Toy] and [Croft/Jadis + Focal] systems, all of them with a VPI Traveller or some Inspire HiFi tt - either the Monarch or a fully pimped Technics sl1200 - just to try them on, with different types of music 🙂 .

But what I have is staying with me, next upgrade will probably be a Pioneer PLX 1000 and 2 pieces of furniture - funds pending (tm).
Al ears said:
jmjones said:
Yes, still get a hell of a kick out of living it loud. It became a bit "odd" recently with the addition of the Oppo. I could suddenly play just about anything. Made exploring hi-res files, video of all sorts an interesting experience. Biggest surprise was multi-channel audio, which I was expecting to be carp, but it wasn't.

(But then I'll settle back into listening to great stereo music)

One very happy bunny.

Glad to see someone else has discovered what an amazing bit of kit the Oppo is. Mine has replaced my old Stello transport / dac combo and is homeplugged to my Nas drive with hires on memory sticks. A real bargain for the money considering what it does and the sound quality.

I have changed my turntable recently but can now say that I am very happy with my system.
Had my oppo now 2 & half years, just love it. Streams effortlessly, & the sound quality is really good. Am at the moment thinking of dwn sizeing to 5.1 active speakers with the oppo. Like my Arcam AV amp, but seems days of big boxes are over. Well, dnt see any need for them anymore.
I've had my system for over 3 years now and I still love it. The only thing I would change is the way I stream music. Now via airplay, in the near future a nas.
The most important part of my system, the speakers, I bought in 2000. I don't think I ever want other speakers. They are incredibly transparant with all sorts of music. They have a 150w built-in subwoofer each which means that the amp doesn't have to work very hard at all. They are great for music but also for watching TV.

The rest of the kit is younger bit we're happy with it. We only replace something when it breaks. We have added stuff over the years that has new features. One of our best buys has been the Cambridge Audio DACMagic.
Yup, I started by replacing a Tag DVD player, and thought the Oppo was better sq (and it did more). Then I tried removing the av32r processor as a trial, and it's still in the attic.

I have a hard drive plugged into a rear USB port for all sorts of music files. Great toy.

I'd love to get spotify on it, and a bit more support for multiple playlist somehow, but that's nitpicking.

What do you think Oppo will do to replace the 105?
If you do get around to trying the actives, make sure you make a post on the subject. I'd be really interested to see how that went.

Have you worked out a shortlist for which actives would be worth a try?
Up until today I would have said definitely yes, but a minor fault in my Evo 2 CDP has today been diagnosed as a problem with the mech system (rather than a dodgy lens) and a price tag of £116 to put right
. Seems a lot of money to put right a player that would fetch circa £250 at best if I sold it on. Such a shame as up to now it's been a great player, a perfect match for my amp. I might just keep it as it is seeing as it plays 95% of my CDs without fault, and wait for it to die a natural death.

Howver I must admit I do quite fancy Chris (Covenanter)'s Marantz 8005 combo.

I currently use the Yamaha HS8 studio monitors for my music studio at home. These speakers are amazing. Am thinking of using these in 5.1 with the oppo. I dnt really think I need anything more. You can trim & adjust bass & treble separately to room conditions.
i do love my system, probably more emotionally attached than i should be which limits my desire to replace it. Its now about 17 years old, so is a bit "leggy", and while with a great refcording it sounds cracking, it seems a bit clouded to me in the midrange with some recordings. Im eye balling some higher end amps on the 2nd hand market, and if i take the plunge with that i will probably get some higher end speakers from new.....and maybe a DAC for my CDP. But i have to admit im not in an urgent rush about it.
Macspur said:
Hi Iceman,

Looks like you've started a good post here!

Yes, I'm extremely happy, although I do have the SHL5+ arriving tomorrow and I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in hearing the E560 and a Burmester 061 CDP.


Burmester! Blimey!

EDIT: Just checked the price tag: it isn't as expensive as I'd assumed. I thought all Burmester kit was five figures ...
Loving both my systems but I think part of the appeal is the ability to swap components around, as the different combinations change the sound quite considerably and are probably preventing me from getting bored. I'm looking at TT's right now and this should add a new dimension too.
Happy with speakers but want/expect more from them, need better amplification. I would like to ditch the Roksan combo for a one box solution. Also want to change the turntable, nothing wrong with the sound of it, it's fine and I love my vinyl replay however It just feels lightweight. I want to return to something like the Nottingham Analogue I previously owned. Also I can't shift the desire to eventually own a decent Technics SL1210, it's doing my nut in! ;-) Then I need to focus on furniture to make it all a little less black, boxy and seemingly nothing but cables!
To put this in context: I had a pan-fried sea-bass fillet, minted new potatoes, samphire and broccoli with a bottle of 2013 Cloudy Bay this evening. Then floating on an alcoholic cloud I settled down to listen to some music on my headphones (my neighbour has his toddler staying tonight so speakers were out). I started with Abbey Road which was great but then spotted "Carpenters Gold". Ok I know the songs were saccharine sweet but what a voice, my God what a voice. Just listen to the first few lines of for example "We've only just begin" or "Solitaire" and you are in heaven. I was lucky enough to see her live at the London Palladium in 197x, an experience I will take to my grave.

On my kit, and this is my point, if I close my eyes I can see Karen there in front of me. I will not change this kit for a very long time.

What was my main system comprising an Esoteric RZ-1 and PMC DB1i speakers was nice enough, but I'd been getting the urge for something a bit different. Something more open and detailed. It had also been moved to the bedroom to keep it away from toddlers' inquisitive hands and wasn't getting much use. I was debating switching the amplification to something beefier, but kept getting hung up on how much space it took up, so I'll be selling it all and buying some Genelec 8020C for the living room. I'm currently very much enjoying a pair of Fostex PM0.4n in the living room, so the similar sized Genelecs should be ideal for the size of the room. Plus they have grills over the drivers to reduce toddler temptation.

Other than that, I'm still very much enjoying my Adam A7X in my office, as well as Sennheiser HD650 and HD595, B&W P7, Audio Technica ATH-AD900x and ATH-A900x.
luckylion100 said:
Happy with speakers but want/expect more from them, need better amplification. I would like to ditch the Roksan combo for a one box solution. Also want to change the turntable, nothing wrong with the sound of it, it's fine and I love my vinyl replay however It just feels lightweight. I want to return to something like the Nottingham Analogue I previously owned. Also I can't shift the desire to eventually own a decent Technics SL1210, it's doing my nut in! ;-) Then I need to focus on furniture to make it all a little less black, boxy and seemingly nothing but cables!
I'd suggest trying the Rega Elicit-R as a replacement for your Roksan amps. I've heard one of these driving PMC Twenty series speakers and it is a superb combination. Also worth checking out the Arcam A39 or A49, as Arcam has long been a good match for PMC.
It's nice to see so many YESes but with regard to my lounge system, I think I am going to have to join the select group of NOs.

It's not the sound. When listening to music - not as often as I would like - my biamped QUAD front speakers sound extremely good. But having built up this surround system over a period of fifteen years or so, the steps forward being largely a matter of introducing new technology than anything else - my TV replaced first with a standard def then a high def projector, my VCR making way for first a DVD then Blu-Ray player, my much-loved Marantz CD-player for a Squeezebox Touch, the stereo amp for first a 5.1 amp then my current Sony 7.1 model, and my speakers from 2.0 to 5.0 to 5.1 - I have decided that I really don't like the faff, the wires, and even, really, the surround sound. In fact, I have taken the centre channel out of the system and now run a phantom stereo front speakers system, and only rarely add in the sub.

What I would really love is to sell the amp and speakers, move the rest of the system to the back of the room where I can run a short HDMI cable into the projector, and beam the sound wirelessly to some nice Dynaudio Xeo floorstanders without a speaker cable in sight.
I have to say a big fat NO! I had a surround system pioneer 2022k dali fazons and a velodyne 1200ultra not a slouch by any stretch. But to me it was just lacking somthing.

I think ive just grown tired of surround and want something far simpler (so fed up with wires and every time i move chair in the room i had to redo the eq setup blah blah) and a little more exotic. So started hunting around and i got to speaking with a few dealers.

I live miles (and i mean hundreds) away from dealers that stock things like naim and cycrus and what not. So i found one kind dealer that would let me buy/ try a naim uniti 2 and PMC 20 23's for home demo and i can send back within a couple of months if i dont like them. So im looking forward to trying this out at home! which is the best any how. It will have all the connections i need in regrads to connecting a blu ray player and sky box not to mention a feature a sorely miss from onkyo amps, trimable inputs allowing me to level the volume for each source! Which i find very hand indeed.

I Love the fact the naim is one box unit which i can upgrade with more powerful amplification if needed (which i dont think i will). not to mention being able to add a phono stage allowing me to enjoy some vynal for the time prehaps. So for me hopfully this will be my system bliss! only down side is that Naim units are on back order so wont have them for another few weeks!
I really, really do enjoy listening to my hifi and I genuinely believe my hifi sounds pretty special. Each upgrade I do makes it even better but I could easily live with it just as it is!
matt49 said:
Macspur said:
Hi Iceman,

Looks like you've started a good post here!

Yes, I'm extremely happy, although I do have the SHL5+ arriving tomorrow and I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in hearing the E560 and a Burmester 061 CDP.


Burmester! Blimey!

EDIT: Just checked the price tag: it isn't as expensive as I'd assumed. I thought all Burmester kit was five figures ...

There's a 061 on 2ndhandhifi but the guy would only offer me £800 for the EMC1UP! unbelievable!

...there is always an itch to scratch. If only I could get cream for it!

I would like to try a different tone arm/cart, maybe one of the Origin Live Illustrious and a Nag MP-500. I'd also like to put some Focal Aria 948 on the end of my amplification to see/hear if they suit the room.
iceman16 said:
I have had mine for quite a while now(main) and Im still very impressed for what is doing) every music I played is like a revelation!

love my system, having a great local dealer helps with home demo's.... and saves a fortune!


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