Do a mains filter or changing the mains cable make any difference?

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Hi I.D.C.
As you have bought a Tacima I would try it both ways. Much depends on how dirty your Mains is in the 1st place.
The Tacima + Mains lead might clean it up more than just the lead on its own.
It really is down to the current demands of the Amp and the storage capacity of the reservoir capacitors in it. On many Amps they are barely adequate!

In your case you have a superb system so I doubt the Tacima would strangle it.
Morning Trevor and thanks for that . Will add a couple of clear audio alpha leads also as they are very reasonably priced. Looking forward to getting back home and chilling out on the hi fi for a few day's with the new leads. As wrote before I will drop a post on my thoughts. Thanks again.

Will add a couple of clear audio alpha leads also as they are very reasonably priced.
How much are these going for at the min? And have you got a website address for these?

Many thanks.

Morning Trevor and thanks for that . Will add a couple of clear audio alpha leads also as they are very reasonably priced. Looking forward to getting back home and chilling out on the hi fi for a few day's with the new leads. As wrote before I will drop a post on my thoughts. Thanks again.

Just because their conditioners are well rated, doesnt mean their mains leads will be..............
Hi Jase Fox. Here is a link for the £34.26 clearer audio alpha mains cable. You can't really go wrong as they have a return policy if you don't hear a difference.

aliEnRIK this for me is an experiment, the Tacima at £24.00 I don't see as a big out lay even if I don't notice any difference. As for clearer audio alpha mains I see that as a worth while try given clearer audio's return policy. If I like the clear audio I will then up-grade the two power amps to the mains above the alpha range. All in the name of improvement if possible.

Hi Jase Fox. Here is a link for the £34.26 clearer audio alpha mains cable. You can't really go wrong as they have a return policy if you don't hear a difference.

aliEnRIK this for me this is an experiment, the Tacima at £24.00 I don't see as a big out lay even if I don't notice any difference. As for clearer audio alpha mains I see that as worth while try a try given clearer audio's return policy. If I like the clear audio I will then up-grade the two power amps to the mains above the alpha range. All in the name of improvement if possible.

My apologies I.D.C.

For some reason I thought you said TACIMA mains leads (Must be tired this morning!)
No your right. I did post that further back. I since changed my mind to opt for the clear audio mains to my units
Hi all,

I've been watching ClearerAudio web site and they do international shipping. For the Copperline Alpha mains cable there's an option (free of charge) to select the type of mains fuse (3 amps default). If I finally buy them, what should I choose for the fuse options (3, 5, 7 amperes) for my amplifier and CD player.

As I mentioned I brought the ClearerAudio Copperline mains cable recently. This cable def improves PQ on HDTV, it seems to clean up the picture so clarity seems crystal clear and colours a wider spectrum due the noise reduction i assume. Sound is clearer, apparent and firm.

I wholly recommend, I was surprised with the effects and would highly recommend the ClearAudio not so much the Tacima C929. In comparsion the Tacima seems more like a band aid rather than reconstructive surgery!! :O)

Hi all,

I've been watching ClearerAudio web site and they do international shipping. For the Copperline Alpha mains cable there's an option (free of charge) to select the type of mains fuse (3 amps default). If I finally buy them, what should I choose for the fuse options (3, 5, 7 amperes) for my amplifier and CD player.


Smo You should select the fuse rating that is the same as you have inside the plug of your amp and CD player. Take off the back of the plug and take a look.

Hi all,

I've been watching ClearerAudio web site and they do international shipping. For the Copperline Alpha mains cable there's an option (free of charge) to select the type of mains fuse (3 amps default). If I finally buy them, what should I choose for the fuse options (3, 5, 7 amperes) for my amplifier and CD player.


Smo You should select the fuse rating that is the same as you have inside the plug of your amp and CD player. Take off the back of the plug and take a look.

Just in case it has been changed in the past best bet is to check your manual for amp and CD just to make sure you are using correct fuse.
Hello everyone,

Thought I would add to this thread:-

sheehanjuk - Really pleased to hear that the cables have worked well for you. Its good to hear such positive feedback.

smo - We can fit with a SCHUKO plug at no extra cost for using the Copper-line Alpha Power Cable in Spain. You can select this plug on our online store. Fuses cannot be fitted to the SCHUKO plug so simply select the 'No Fuse' option. Do not worry about the fuse - other European countries have different standards to us in the UK and your components will be protected by your consumer unit. There will be a small charge for international shipping - all prices are calculated automatically. Our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee will still apply for you.

I.D.C. - We very much look forward to perhaps building you some cables. If you do go ahead I hope you will be happy with the cables.

Wishing you all the best and happy listening!

Kind regards,

Hi Darren,

Maybe a little off-topic, and then again......

I just ordered two Copper-Line Alpha power cables with you guys, with SCHUKO plugs (I live in Denmark). Now, Iïm getting second thoughts; In Denmark, we use EURO-Plugs, which means that the ïoptionalï grounding pin on the SCHUKO plugs do not fit our outlets, meaning again, that I will have no grounding using these plugs.

Now, the units I wish to connect with the cables are the Denon AVR 4306 receiver and the Denon 3930 DVD-player, donït have a grounding pin anyway.

My question is; should I expect any improvement with these cables then, as Iïm unable to ground them? Or do they need grounding to ïdo their thingï?

Best regards

Soren Svendsen

Hi Darren, have ordered four Alpha for my hi fi today, if the results are positive I will order a further five for my av-set up and gladly pass on a recommendation to my firends.
It depends on your mains power supply quality and if you have supply polluting electrical devices ( such as fridges, washing machines etc ) connected on the same ring.

I was suprised by the improvement a Tacima cs929 rf cleanup mains strip had on a friend's Yamaha DSP-AX763/Panasonic BD-35/Kef1005.2 system. The sound was less congested and there was a noticeable gain in dynamic range. This was confirmed by removing the cs929 and putting back the more expensive mains suppression strip.

His mains supply is particularly noisy, whereas my system supply seems to be cleaner therefore the difference was hardly noticeable.

Try before you buy.
clearer_audio:smo - We can fit with a SCHUKO plug at no extra cost for using the Copper-line Alpha Power Cable in Spain. You can select this plug on our online store. Fuses cannot be fitted to the SCHUKO plug so simply select the 'No Fuse' option. Do not worry about the fuse - other European countries have different standards to us in the UK and your components will be protected by your consumer unit. There will be a small charge for international shipping - all prices are calculated automatically. Our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee will still apply for you.

Hi Darren,

Thanks for your reply. That simplifies it all. Just another question if you don't mind. Do the cables fitted with SCHUKO plug come with the grounding cable and 'connector' the the ground plug?

I mean something like this:




I am new to this power conditioning discussion and have quickly read through the various posts with interest. Is there a fairly straight-forward guide to the use of the various cabling types and where best they should be placed in the system? I am intrigued because I have noticed that some components do tend to have dedicated power cables (either fixed or just a particular shape connection).

A few years ago I invested in a couple Belkin Surgemaster blocks (8 sockets plus telephone connectors), principally to protect my computer set-up and my hi-fi. These models are advertised as having £40,000 worth of insurance, the obvious surge/lightning protection and also mention RFI screening, which, at the time, was pretty much all I was bothered about. However...

Due to the configuration of our living room, and positioning of power sockets, I currently have an extension from a single wall point to which is attached one of the Belkins. From this sprouts the power cables for 1x Sony 40W4000 LCD TV, 1x VirginMedia V+ box, 1x Sony receiver, 1x Pioneer PDS-703 CD-player, 1x Kenwood 3020 SE amp, 1x Philips VCR, and 1x Sony BDP-S350 Blu-ray player. A relatively diverse selection of equipment/manufacturers. Each of which, I am sure, has a (slightly) different power chord and connection, not to mention requirement.

I plan to swap out the Kenwood amp for the Audiolab 8000S I have elsewhere and add in (probably) one of the Sony AV products recently praised highly in the What Hi-Fi magazine. Also the Pioneer CD-player will be swapped out for the Marantz CD-63 MkII KI Signature I also own.

I have fairly reasonable interconnects, although they might stand some upgrades in due course, but I was interested to see the point of view that cleaner power could be more significant. Having seen the exchange of views about the importance of both HDMi and power cable types and whether they can possibly have an👍 effect, I am unsure whether I should start spending more than I have already on the accessories side of things.

Therefore any advice as to how best to configure things would be gratefully received. Pretty much a "Wall To Components For Dummies" would be good! 😱)

And...please excuse my innocence/ignorance! ;o)
I have a lot electronics in my living room including computer, tv, amp & other stuff feeding off two double sockets, i now i should plug the amp directly into the wall, but i feel a lot safer pluging my amp into the tacima CS929.
I have a tacima.

In my old house, there was a difference for the better. Then I moved.

In a new converted flat there was no difference between tacima and normal mains block.

With a yaqin tube buffer - specialist mains cable produces better results than standard mains cable.

With all my components - DH labs power plus (home made) mains cables better than stock cables.

BT MTU125 powering all system - more detail but less dynamics

BT MTU125 on cd player only - I didn't like - bright

BT MTU125 on subwoofer - Nice tuneful bass

Chord chorus 2 vs Merlin Chopin between cd and amp - no real difference (sold chorus)

Atlas equator vs Merlin Chopin - Equator more detail

I guess what I am saying is some work, some don't. Buy with a returns policy or buy second hand. If it doesn't work, you will not lose money. If you find an improvement for the better, great!

The variables, each with their own interaction =

cd player x amp x speakers x speaker cable x stands x interconnects x music being played x room acoustics x room layout x mains x rf/emf x your own hearing

This is all in simple terms. Then you have all that impedence and resistance and all that other stuff that is quoted with electronics. Too many variables!!!

For some, a difference is heard. For others, no difference is heard. If you don't hear a difference, you saved money. If you hear a difference for the better, good for you.ÿ

For all these cable threads, there is no answer, except what you hear! And it is the individual that counts.

I hear differences. My mate kevin and bren hear differences. My girlfriend cannot but she lets me get on with it.ÿ

Good luck, its your ears and your wellbeing!ÿ


Dear WHF,

Please can you make all future cable threads automatically redirect to the above posting?

Many thanks,



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