Design over function?


New member
Apr 3, 2008
I’ve just bought an Arcam Solo Mini. I had spent sometime looking at the Denon D-M37DAB prior - and I appreciate the big cost difference on this – but I needed a small system. The use was primarily for music and the odd occasion to beef up a movie now and then. My problem I have is the speakers (‘yawn’ I hear you say!) but I am greatly interested in the aesthetics of the speakers and how they sit when quiet! Ha – I know, that’s wrong. But I can only find a few speakers that are of a modern design with good sound. Most other speakers seem – well, retro or like they have been sawn of an old 80’s boombox. Although there are several 5 star speaker I could choice sadly a lot of them are just ugly (sorry to those who disagree).
My question then is what company’s produce speakers that would suit the Arcam? Your thoughts please? Tannoy DC4? Lars & Ivan? I dunno … Help.
Ok, I understand that some of this is personal preference - but most people agree the DC4s are a very modern, minimal design. But, speakers like the Dynaudio DM 2/7 , Roth OLi2 - or dare I say, DALI Lektor 2 perform well but look like they'd suit a tape deck better between them.
I'm trying not to be flippant its just frustrating having spent money on a good Arcam (my fault for not investigating more) and struggling to find a classing looking set of speakers that will work well with the system but look the part. Its a shame the Arcam Mini doesn't have quite the clout to run the DC4s as these I feel are a clean, small design.

KEF IQ5 looks very sleek and modern to me with it's curved cabinet:


These Tannoy DC4's are also gorgeous in my opinion:

Ah, the signature Tannoys. They are very nice. Do you or anyone know of the fit these will have technically with the Arcam? I have seriously considered both DC4s but I'm concerned they are a little wasted in power on the arcam - no?
The Sound Hive Speaker system by Oskar Danielhe would work well with the Arcam......................


and then as a personal import from Japan and if your livingroom can take it, the excellent Kuboteks......

Good heavens! Well, thanks for the response.

I think the Tannoys it will have to be as i cant find anything else. And this thread seems to have fallen on its ......

daveh75 - Good spot thanks, those arent bad at all ... I have read of these mind, havent seen them like that without the grill. I'll see if I can see them instore.

Good heavens! Well, thanks for the response.

I think the Tannoys it will have to be as i cant find anything else. And this thread seems to have fallen on its ......

....clear purpose as a speaker design masterclass. Check out the 360 degree speakers from Pieter Maes............


P.S - disclaimer in my biog
Am I right in thinking that the Musos are actually made by the Danish company Audiovector or have i consumed too much whisky. Actually scrub that last, it's not possible to consume too much whisky!


Am I right in thinking that the Musos are actually made by the Danish company Audiovector or have i consumed too much whisky. Actually scrub that last, it's not possible to consume too much whisky!


Here is a quick test to see if you have actually been consuming too much whisky. Can you see the new SV100 speakers by AudioR or do you see something else...........................................



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