Thompsonuxb said:
I told you......
davedotco said:
ChrisIRL said:
Currently using an A19 with Kef LS50. Generally sounds very good, plenty of power in the A19 to drive the speakers. Sound quality doesn't change too much at high or low volumes. Very detailed combo and not too warm or not too bright. The problem for me is the sound is too refined and smooth bordering on dull. Great with acoustic or slower paced music but lacks excitement with rock,metal or electronic. It's not too bad but could be better I felt.
I too decided on an Elex r. Demo was very positive, retained the positives of the A19, soundstage, detail etc, but with much more bass weight and better punch. I wouldn't rule out a Brio r demo either, I enjoyed the demo and nicely within your budget too.
Just as Thompson predicted.
Have you tried overdriving the pre-amp?
Anyone who does a bit of proper research knows the LS50s are regarded as needing a powerful amp to drive them well, I had been well warned of this in advance. The A19 does work well enough with them however, it would suit most people who hear it perfectly. The lack of punch and excitement also came through using the A19 with B&W 685 S2s which shouldn't be difficult speakers to drive. A Rega brio r demo gave the LS50s the extra lift that I was looking for despite it only being as powerful if not less so than the A19. Probably just coming down to a personal preference thing. How difficult the LS50s are to drive is being very exaggerated in my opinion having heard them with several amps during demos. Sure, maybe electronically they are not being driven to full potential, but if it sounds nice to the listener it sounds nice. When somebody doesn't like the sound of their amp with the LS50s, it might just be a personal preference thing and not because they blindly bought 5 star products without any thought or research. Demo and trust your own ears, advice regularly given on here.
It was a joke that was sort of transfered from another thread, perhaps the transfer was not effective.....*unknw*
I simply refered to the fact that a lot of modern amplifiers are deliberately voiced to sound loud and impressive, this is particularly effective on a lot of up tempo rock music.
The Arcam A19 does not do that, you are probably getting a more accurate portrayal of the music as recorded, which may or may not be to your taste.
In general terms I agree that the LS50 is not that difficult to drive, though it does improve with better amplification. To be honest it is pretty much the same as most quality compacts at a comparable price. They all respond by simply getting better and better as the quality of the signal and the amplification gets better. The control that better amplification brings to such speakers can be surprising.
The modern trend of spending more on the speakers means that a lot of very good compact speakers are never heard at their best, it is only a handful of speakers that, because of their 'difficult reputation' get to be heard driven by better amplifiers.