I don't want to discuss if can hear 12, 14 og 16 khz, i want to listen to music, i wanna read about hifi,i wanna try tweaks, new cable (or one i have with my current system). I know one great danish artist in his 70's (76), he has tinitus and uses a hearing aid, in the 1960 he was ar rock n roll musician like the rolling stones, led zeppelin, he retired in 2017, he was soooo bored that he 1 year later started to tour again, just fewer concerts
When i was 18 i wanted some ugly jamo i want to play loud disco,pa speakers with a horn tweeter and i think i could at that time i could afford the model with a 12" woofer same as dantax and eltax speakers, lots of bass, sharp highs, loud, cabinets had gaps, build quality was below avarage.
25'ish years ago i bought 2x rotel rb-980bx 2x120 watt in 8 ohm and 1x360 watt and had horrible speaker placements, audiovector 5 to the right and of course left of my listening possition, not in front of me, horrible.
later when midrange started to deteriorate i had to have speakers in mint condition so i bought new dalis instead of new midrange surrounds,foam (fooled by there brighness thinking they reveal more details) later because i could afford it cerwin vega ve-28s to get mere bass, not very deep but pretty loud despite only having 2x8" woofers, my audiovectors had 4x8" woofers.
Now i have speakers smaller than harbeth p3esr 85db,4.5" woofer, 2x 45 watt (tested to be 2x51 watt in 8 ohm)with 85 db speakers i would have liked if it could play the power it has now 100% clean, meaning 70-80 watt would have been perfect when i play 40-50 watt, although it's still loud.
My speakers for there size have lot of bass, not just i was made for beeing used as rear channel speakers in a surround sound system, nice highs not to bright and a non thin bass,bottom like the wharfedale diamond 225 i had and Dynaudio EMIT M10 (also small and cute) that was brighter than my current speakers and only had enough bass playing edm, most pop,rock needed a little more bass.
Still listening to rock music (alot of metallica on youtube),pop,edm,blues,jazz it just has to have a good balance not to much highs, and not a thin bass, bottom, the diamond 225 with a 6.5" bass are actually thinner sounding than my Definitive Technology D7 but had no listening fattigue, they still lack some bass as the diamond 220 does.
My point is that despite being older and can't hear 16-20khz any more, that our music taste,how we listen (streaming (tidfal,spotify),bluetooth, music streamer, sonos), what system we use, can easily have change compared to 15-25 year ago, that still doesn't mean we can't enjoy music as much or even more than 15-25 years ago.
Like sex, even when it doesn't last an hour it can stil be alot of fun, even when your over 40 or 70 and half deaf, hell even when your half blind women can still be nice to look at