Denon DVD 2500bt


New member
Feb 26, 2008
I've been waiting for the a decent Blu Ray Player to come out and it looks like the Denon is the real deal, however i have a question, When Whathifi review these products, i'm guessing they do it on the best possible TV e.g. A Kuro Plasma, therefore the results would be fairly emphatic, i guess what i'm trying to say is will i see a massive difference from changing my PS3 to a Denon and using my current TV which is an 18 month old 37" Panasonic Plasma, or do i need to buy a high end TV. Because if i have to do that its going to cost a few quid changing them both at once.


Mike Worrall
Products such as this are tested with a variety of displays and systems.

I think you will see some improvement with your current TV, though it won't be massive with a screen of this size, and of course things will get even better when you make the next display upgrade.
I was waiting for the Pioneer 37" Lcd to be reviewed, is it not worth the upgrade for this size a set, my living room isn't really big enough i could possibly go up to 40, what do you recommend
I think the PS3 is probably adequate up to 40-42-46in sets - you really need to be thinking 50+ or a projector to reap the full benefit of the Denon
Andrew, very interesting reply. I have a 50" Samsung plasma TV, HD ready but not full-HD. I've been pondering taking the plunge into Blu-ray, but are you saying that without a top full-HD screen the Denon for me might be a bit of a waste of money, and that the likes of the Sony '350 and Panasonic 'BD35 would be money better spent at this point in time?

I am not saying that it would be a waste of money, but that you probably wouldn't get the full benefit without a display upgrade - IMHO of course.
Just another thing to ask, i was thinking of upgrading my screen to the new Pionner LCD dependant on the reviews, obviously this would be better than my TV, but does the same rule apply with TV's e.g. Would it be that much better than my Panasonic?


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