Denon DM37DAB + Tannoy F1 Customs - Not Satisfied .... Floorstanding Speakers??


New member
Jan 12, 2010
(I'm a complete newbie to the the Hi-Fi world so hope I don't sound too stupid here - I'm just a little confused).

First let me give you my goal: A system in our living room, to play music from USB sticks, iPods and CDs as well as to play audio from TV when watching films. Budget £300 - £350 (£400 real stretch).

I recently purchased a Denon DM37DAB with the Tannoy F1 Customs (I had a demo of the Wharfedale 9.1's and found them a little loose with the bass - so went for the Tannoys without a demo).

Anyway, I set up the system, I'm using decent cable and at the moment do not have any real speaker stands but something enough to get the speakers to a closer ear level.

Now here's my issue... the sound is nice, but not filling enough. I don’t expect it to be overly loud, just reasonably moving. I've been used to listening to audio through Harmon Kardon Soundsticks II, which i find satisfying.

Now question time:
1) Is this just the best sound I'm going to get with my budget?
2) To get a more filling sound, should i purchase a pair a floorstanding speakers, I've seen the Q Acoustics 1030i for £140 (This would be stretching my budget but i could just about get it).
3) Would the Denon Dm37DAB power these (the speakers recommended amp power is 25 - 100 watts - the denon gives 30W per channel).
4) Should I give the speakers more time (to settle?), get the perfect stands, play with settings more.
5) Is my equipment choice just wrong, in which case what to do?

I know this is rather long, but your help would be much appreciated.

I can't say that's my experience with the Denon/Tannoy combo.

Mine's a bedroom set-up and suits my needs perfectly, although I may well have gone down a different route had I been setting something up in a larger living area.

Before you do anything I strongly urge that you buy some decent speaker stands (and that's true with any set-up). I purchased mine about a month after the Denon and they totally transformed the system, which would best be described as
making it more controlled and open - less muddied bass and just letting the music get on with it. Also, ensure that "Speaker Optimisation" is set to "Off" in the "Menu" settings; this is only to be used with the accompanying Denon SCM-37 speakers. Had my set-up nearly a year and still thrilled with it.
I agree with Sizzers. Speaker stands should make a difference. My 37 is in a medium sized living room and has no problem filling it with sound. Speakers are on decent wall brackets and is much better than when I had them on the bookcases initially.
I agree with Sizzers and 8009514.

I have that set up as well sitting on Soundstyle Z11 stands and connected with Chord Carnival Silver Screen. I have this systen set up in my dining room which is appox 13' square and it more than fills the room and sounds great. You really should try some speakers stands and with decent speaker cable as well.

Many thanks for all your quick replies, much appreciated.

I think i'll go ahead and buy some stands today, hopefully that should do the trick nice.

And for my budget do you think this is the best setup I could get - otherwise any equipment recommendations.

Thanks again, Peace,

So i followed the advice and...

Its really sounds great, i'm very impressed such a small speaker can do so much. The sound is nicely balanced and fills the area nice, when seated or standing.

I'm suprised when i purchased the speakers, the sales assistants didn't mention the importance of the stands then. They placed a great emphasis on the speaker cable, but nothing on having the speakers at the right level.

Anyway, once again, major thank you for all your help.


p.s. Just out of curoisty, could the Denon DM37DAB power floorstanding speakers, or could it damage the system / be pointless as one wouldnt get the full 'glory' of such large speakers.

p.s. Just out of curoisty, could the Denon DM37DAB power floorstanding speakers, or could it damage the system / be pointless as one wouldnt get the full 'glory' of such large speakers.

The term "overkill" comes to mind, but happy you've got it sorted.


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