Well had an excellent demo this afternoon. Arrived to find not only the CD and amp for each system ready for action, but also extra power supplies and another CD player (for the Cyrus) to do some extra comparisons.
Started off with the Naim as I'd had previous experience of their kit. I don't really know what I was expecting, but I had quite high hopes based on a few people having told me the XS is a big step up from the Nait 5i which I used to own. I had taken this to mean that there was a fuller sound, but I now know that's not the case. There was plenty of detail, and the amp obviously had a good grasp on the Spendor A5, very well controlled base lines and not a hint of rumble. Anyone whos listened to Naim will know, the sound was very lean, almost immediately I am sitting there thinking "come on Naim, give me a little more". Although there was certainly an improvement over the Nait 5i and CD5i it took me little more than 10 minutes to realise its just the Naim sound I don't like!
I was talking with the dealer about the Naim setup so he suggested we should swap to the Cyrus and give it a try with the same tracks (Gorillaz - Plastic Beach, a great album to suss out how well an amp handles its bass). So to start off he setup the Cyrus CD8SE with the Cyrus 8xpd amp. He'd hooked the CD player up through both the analogue interconnect and in to the DAC on the amp via a coaxial link, so it was easy to switch between the two.
Started off playing the CD player through the analogue interconnect, and within seconds it had really got my attention. Amazing levels of detail, but delivered in a far more enjoyable way than the Naim. Its as if the system arranges the sounds discreetly around the sound stage, and then shakes the arrangement about just a little nano touch, so everything falls in to place in a really nice way.
So we played a few tracks with the setup as standard, just to get a feel for some different music and how it sounds, then the dealer suggested switching to the digital coaxial input and playing the CD through that. Didn't take very long for both of us to agree it sounded better on the analogue interconnect.
Next up was to add a PSX-R to the CD8SE. I was amazed at what difference this made (and have to admit I wasnt expecting it to make such a difference). It seperated out the various components of the track a little more, and seemed to give more depth to the soundstage. It also squeezed a little more detail out from the CD, but the biggest difference was certainly the arrangement of the component parts in the sound stage (in my opinion anyway).
Next up we tried the CD XT SE+ (CD transport) straight in to the amp. This was OK, but certainly not as good as the 8SE with the PSX-R via the analogue interconnect. Didnt try the CD XT SE with a power supply attached, but the dealer said it may not have as great effect on that unit anyway, as the PSX-R powers the DAC inside the 8SE (as well as some other circuitry).
I seem to have rambled on for far too long. So in summary - Cyrus CD8SE + PSX-R and Cyrus 8xpd and Spendor A5 is a truly impressive system. The neutrality and lack of colour in the sound makes listening just enjoyable. I wasnt thinking too hard about how the music was being delivered, just enjoying listening!