a lot of people reckon plasma is a tech on the way out.. i love my Panasonic VT20.. and only realised it so much more when a friend bought an LED LCD over the christmas... i was shocked at the backlight bleed and greyness of the screen... you get used to deep blacks on plasma's very quickly...
Not all LCDS have backlight bleed and grey screens. I have a Samsung UE55C8000 and that suffers from neither problem.Samsung's flagship ( the 9000 series ) is an LCD.
I think the problems come from quality control from what I have read here. Some edge lit LCD sets seem to have clouding and "black" problems but mine is excellent. I am very picky about black levels and clouding and just over a year ago sent back a previous model Samsung after two days because of these problems. Also not all Plasmas are fault/problem free either as we all know. I would say that until you get your chosen set home it can be a lottery as to whether you are happy, even though someone elses set of the same model may be ok. Shop demos are very difficult to use as a guarantee of picture quality.
OLED TV's may (or may not) solve these discussions when available cheaply ,as long as they don't bring unforeseen different problems with them. Maybe CES will give us a guide later this month, but take manufacturers claims ,and whiz bang processing features with a pinch of salt, most of mine are turned OFF for better picture quality!