Garland Genoho:jase fox:Garland Genoho:Mr Fox, you said louder, but was the quality of sound any better? I ask becoz if it was just louder, I will save 76.50 and just turn my volume knob up.
This is a very good point what your saying here Garland, like ive said previously the loudness is very noticable from the start & i thought to myself the way around that is to just maybe turn the volume up myself, so yes id already thought of that one.
But whilst watching Braveheart on bluray (which ive demod and watched many times) the scene were wallaces father & brother go into the barn with which they discover theyve all been hanged, you can hear the creeking of the ropes all around, now even though ive been used to that i noticed that the creeking was more highly enhanced in the surround speakers to the point were i thought that my speakers were playing up, static of some kind then i realised it was the ropes creeking in the movie, i was well pleased that improvements seem to be happening on audio quality to.
Id give it a go, what you got to lose? If you dont notice anything you can send it back for a refund.
Sounds like this has better resolution too, besides better picture.
Yep, sure has Garland ! To my ears and eyes anyway.