Just spent some time comparing my existing CDP against some WAV files off the HDD/laptop through to the DM. I used some CDs I know well which give me enough breadth in the music to make easy comparisons and I had WAV files to hand. Off we went.
In the end, it was perhaps no surprise; the CDP was a comfortable winner. Just more "life" to the music - greater dynamics, more body, a better soundstage. The DM/WAV option has it "all" too, but it doesn't seem to know how to make the most of the content. If I think of one word in terms of criticism, it's probably that it's a tad superficial compared to the 7001-KI.
The Marantz obviously has a lot going on under the lid, but while it is "only" a CD player, it's USP is a pretty special one and it does it with some style. I think I'll hang on to the DM for a few days into the week, but there is a chance it might go back to Richer Sounds in the end.
It's a great piece of kit for all that however, good functionality and a nice design, but that alone isn't enough. On reflection, I think I am looking for more out of these things.
Initially, I wanted something to give me a good radio signal out of the TV and upsample it on the way to the amp. The TV does the signal bit, but the DM doesn't have enough body or weight to its sound. Some reviews have called it neutral, but I'd be more inclined to call it lean. That in itself is no bad thing, but my own setup normally gives me the depth I hear in music and film and my CDP and speakers themselves have sometimes also been described as lean which the Sansui amp cures, so I am surprised to find it lacking with the DM here.
I wouldn't probably give it the full five stars in the end. A solid four, a good product, but it didn't tick all of the boxes I'd like checked and it lost out on sound quality in the end.