cyrus/rega system

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True Blue:If I was you I would change the amp to a Naim Nait XS, you can pick up lasts years model brand new for £895 at a certain retailer in Cheshire. Sell your Cyrus gear on flea bay to possibly cover then sit back and enjoy

I didn't realise there was a XS model last year. It was first reviewed by WHFI in last months edition. Does that mean it's a MKII version or what?.....
PP Naim launched the "new" XS recently, like I said not sure of the exact tech specs just looks different. As far as I am aware the "old" one is exactly the same inside. Was reviewed (old one) by WHF jan/feb/mar time this year. Blinding amp
True Blue:
igglebert:The Mira3 amp. It sounds polite compared to a Naim amp and I suppose there's the difference. Rega kit sounds more hifi and Naim more PRAT. If you can afford to go up from there to one of their pre/power combos (Cursa/Maia) or integrated/power combos (Mira3/Maia) you'll be rewarded with better bass control and a moree expansive sound stage.

PRAT??? please educate.........thankyou

Pace, Rhythm and Timing; PRaT. Some people generalise hifi into two camps, the accurate "hifi" sound and the "musical" PRaT sound. This is a gross generalisation but helps to draw a line between kit that majors on natural sound and detail retrieval versus kit aiming for speed and timing over other characteristics. Of course, if you spend enough you get both.

Naim has always been parked into the PRaT camp because it will give you a well timed, punchy and live sounding reproduction. The Rega kit sounds more polite, smooth and detailed. Which you prefer will come down to taste and the type of music you listen to.

EDIT A good example of a non-PRaT sound is Sugden. They maintain a very smooth, detailed sound that gives you enormous amounts of texture and a superb soundstage. Kit aiming for PRaT doesn't always manage as clear a soundstage.
Cheers, Igglebert, pretty much does describe my system (i would post a smiley but for some reason it doesnt like Google Chrome) so 🙂 thanks again
True Blue:PP Naim launched the "new" XS recently, like I said not sure of the exact tech specs just looks different. As far as I am aware the "old" one is exactly the same inside. Was reviewed (old one) by WHF jan/feb/mar time this year. Blinding amp

I'll dig out a couple of copies and see what I can turn up. Thanks TB.
dentical in every way to the Naim NAIT XS amplifier except with the old finish!

Extract from Audio t website. 🙂
OK so i'm now considering changing the amp. I think i'll try and audition the Mira so i have the option of adding a power amp and i might give acoustica a call to audition the nait xs too (thanks TB). I have heard that adding a psx-r to my cd player should smooth it out a little so might try that first though. Don't really want to change the cd player as i think i would struggle to find one as good for similar money.
Gears of Law:

OK so i'm now considering changing the amp. I think i'll try and audition the Mira so i have the option of adding a power amp and i might give acoustica a call to audition the nait xs too (thanks TB). I have heard that adding a psx-r to my cd player should smooth it out a little so might try that first though. Don't really want to change the cd player as i think i would struggle to find one as good for similar money.

I heard Nait 5i with CD6SE and ATC SCM11 speakers. Sounded astonishing.....
I demoed the Mira, Cyrus and Naim 5i. The Cyrus was far too harsh, clinical and bright for my liking, the Mira was smooth and involving very detailed, then I heard the oomph of the Naim and realised which amp was mine. Got my XS for the price at the moment from the shop in Cheshire, cant believe the difference in the amps. But the 5i does give you an insight into the Naim sound.

There is just something about the Rega / Naim mix that makes you forget about analysing music and get you to enjoy it......when I bought mine, I had to chuckle because my wife started dancing and singing in the kitchen whenever the system was on (never done that before). It gives you an involved foot tapping / air guitar experience which IMO is what its all about
plastic penguin:Gears of Law:

OK so i'm now considering changing the amp. I think i'll try and audition the Mira so i have the option of adding a power amp and i might give acoustica a call to audition the nait xs too (thanks TB). I have heard that adding a psx-r to my cd player should smooth it out a little so might try that first though. Don't really want to change the cd player as i think i would struggle to find one as good for similar money.

I heard Nait 5i with CD6SE and ATC SCM11 speakers. Sounded astonishing.....

That sounds promising for the naim amp then. Could you expand on the sound of this combo? At the moment, when i turn the volume up, i want to turn it down again pretty soon. With the arcams i had previously, i found myself listening at higher volumes to get some life out of the system but found myself listening to more music as i could listen all night.
Gears of Law:plastic penguin:Gears of Law:
OK so i'm now considering changing the amp. I think i'll try and audition the Mira so i have the option of adding a power amp and i might give acoustica a call to audition the nait xs too (thanks TB). I have heard that adding a psx-r to my cd player should smooth it out a little so might try that first though. Don't really want to change the cd player as i think i would struggle to find one as good for similar money.

I heard Nait 5i with CD6SE and ATC SCM11 speakers. Sounded astonishing.....

That sounds promising for the naim amp then. Could you expand on the sound of this combo? At the moment, when i turn the volume up, i want to turn it down again pretty soon. With the arcams i had previously, i found myself listening at higher volumes to get some life out of the system but found myself listening to more music as i could listen all night.

What you seem to be describing is your system is too bright and analytical, which is tiring.

Must admit never heard the Naim Cyrus combo, but I am listening to mine tonight and we are at six hours and counting. Wish I could turn it up. Surely your system should make you want to play it??
Naim Nait 5i/CD5i/NAT05/Rega R3 user here.

Great synergy with R3 speakers. I work from home and listen to the system for up to 12 hours a day with everything from BBC R2/R3/R4 to CDs (jazz, rock, pop, classical, speech, drama, documentary) and vinyl and iTunes etc. and it never gets tiring.

PRaT is too 'simplistic' a description I think.

I enjoy my system as a 'whole' sound and I don't analyse it's elements. The Naim/Rega sound does not invite me to pick it apart in this way. It is very enthusiastic and just bounds into action with what seems just the right amount of everything, making close scrutiny seem like a waste of time compared to just getting on with enjoying it.


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