Cyrus Power Amp: worthwhile addition?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all. My first posting here.

Would my Cyrus CD8X + PSXR, 8VS amp and biwired Mission 780SE system show any worthwhile benefit from adding a XPA Power amp (secondhand @£170)?

I want to improve the speakers at some stage to better standmounters (budget around £1K) and would appreciate advice here too.
Probably worth a try, although I know several Cyrus owners who enjoyed their systems less once they'd added all the extra boxes. A couple have actually gone back to integrated plus PSXR and are much happier. Just check that you aren't paying more than the going rate. That way, if you don't like the effect, you can always sell it on without making a loss.
Hi, I can't answer your question exactly. I have an 8vs2 and CD8x. When I auditioned the kit, the dealer also demonstrated the system with both the PSX-R and the 8 Power. I have to say having both attached really made a difference for the better, and if I had the budget I would have got them there and then.

I believe the XPA is a 50w amp, and would have been the recommended upgrade path at the time when the 8vs and XPA were current, so it may well sound pretty good. Am I right in thinking that the way the Cyrus boxes work mean that adding the XPA to your amp will effectively turn your 70w amp into a 120w amp?

When I have the budget, I will definitely add the 8 Power and PSX-R. IMHO this is way better than dropping the cash on mains cables, interconnects etc.etc.
I moved up the chain starting in the 6 series, then 8vs then one smartpower then two (and Pre XVS), then two more psx's and every move made it worth while. Extra power never hurt anyone! I put my vs on the mid-bass and smartpowers on the tweets and loved it.
Hi all. My first posting here.

Would my Cyrus CD8X + PSXR, 8VS amp and biwiredÿMission 780SE system show any worthwhile benefit from adding a XPA Power amp (secondhand @£170)?

I want to improve the speakers at some stage to better standmounters (budget around £1K)ÿand would appreciate advice here too.

It works with Arcam very well, but couldn't say on Cyrus.

Can I ask why you want new standmounts? Perhaps a fuller sound could be achieved with some good floorstanders at £1k. ProAc, Dali, PMC, Neat all come into the equation, and many more second hand.

Here's your new speakers


or the big brothers...


...fantastic prices, excellent match.
Would you consider upgrading the CD player to the CD8SE specs? I have no idea what the Cyrus UK upgrade costs are.. As the cliche says: "Source is king"... and the change in technology from the CD8X to the SE series is significant and there is a signficant audible difference.

Just my 2 cents.

Standmount speakers wanted to suit small room size.

Any other opinions on the addition of a power amp?
I'm currently home auditioning a 6 Power added to my system in bi-amp mode. It's only a CD6 with Cyrus 8 integrated, but so far I'm liking what I'm hearing

Makes a big difference for my system! Bass is far more controlled and extended, timing has improved, treble seems less harsh - improvement across the board really.
Standmount speakers wanted to suit small room size.

Any other opinions on the addition of a power amp?

What's you room size? My floorstanders work very well in a small (3.5mx4m room)ÿ


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