Cyrus 8se CD player to Cyrus 8XPD/QS : via digital optical or RCA stereo?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
Hello, I have a dilemma ,should I connect a Cyrus 8se cd player via optical to my Cyrus 8xpd qs amplifier or use traditional stero analogue cables? If optical it would be with the TC1 coral cable.If analogue it would be via Kimber Silver Streak.This is if i get round to buying the 8se.At present I am playing a Cyrus cd 7qx (7years old) as a transport into the xpd via coaxial digital (kimber d75). This will be my last cd player purchase so needs to be spot on !
It is unclear from your post whether you already own the cables. If you do, then when you buy the CD8SE, you can try both digital and analogue and see which you prefer, rather than relying on someone else's judgment.

Having said that, I have read that the DAC in the 8XPd is not as good as the CD8SE - the latter apparently has two DACs in mono. If you get the 8XPd Qx, I believe the DAC sits between the CD8SE and the DACXP (the Qx has 192kHz up-sampling). So, I think the answer is, if you intend to get the 8XPd, connect via analogue, if 8XPd Qx, connect via digital (can't comment on the TCI Coral).

You will see from my signature I have the PreXPd Qx, however it's a recent ebay purchase (selling on my 6XP), I've had it an hour so can't comment yet on the DAC part 'cos I haven't used it yet! Will be connecting the CD6SE digitally soon for a comparison.

Hope this helps.
Sorry, just noticed you have the Qx module (probably because you called it "Qs"). In which case, go digital. You must have an analogue RCA interconnect around the place to compare with anyway, even the ones that come in the box.
A final thought - since you will only be using the 8SE as a transport, is it really worth spending all that money? And if so, save a bit more for CDXT+..?
I had an 8 XPdQx before upgrading to the Pre XPdQx.

The Qx does sound better than the 8SE when fed a decent digital signal. Why get an 8SE when you are thinking of using the Qx DAC? You are paying for a DAC in the CD player you wouldn't use.

Why not get the CD XTSE+ transport? This would put you very near the top of the Cyrus tree in terms of source components. The CD XT SE+ and Qx DAC sound astounding together; lots of detail and punch but musically convincing as a whole.

Get a transport rather than 8se. The QX module is superior to the DAC in the 8se. Go for the XTse+ if you can afford it and iit is more stable. I'm saving for one.
I have had the Cyrus 8xpd/qs for a month now and yes these are the cables that I own.I'd prefer to connect it via digital coaxial(£150 kimber) however I understand that the Cyrus 8cdse only has an optical output thus I am limited to using the relatively cheap TCI coral (opt) which then makes me ask the question about sticking with the Russ Andrews Silver streak which is a good analogue cable.
So you advise a transport (cdxt se ) and use the 8xpdqx as a DAC? I had not thought of that .I will do some research.That would mean keepinga two box solution which is ideal.
Why don't you pay a quick visit to the Cyrus site and have a look at the back of the CD8SE? It has both optical and coaxial outputs (it is the 6SE that has no coaxial)..

As for your other question, I already posted that I have read that the Qx is superior to the DAC in the 8SE itself, but not the DAC XP (meaning it is Cyrus' second best DAC). This is unconfirmed of course, but from a site for owners of the products who know their stuff. I bought my PreXPd Qx off someone who was using it as the DAC for a CDXT SE+, so it must sound decent. As always, you can only find out by setting up an audition at a Cyrus dealer, if that's possible where you are. Everyone has given you the same advice for good reason, since you are basically looking for a transport as the DAC you have is very good, but without auditioning, you can't know which you personally prefer and presents best value for money.
Just wondering why you are looking at a transport at all.... (being devil's advocate)...

You have a good DAC. With a laptop and your CDs accurately ripped to FLAC, you can stream directly into the USB input... Potentially excellent source if setup correctly. As I have said in other posts... my CD6SE is the last CDP I will ever own, particulary since the streamed files via the W4S-DAC-2 sound better than the CD6SE...
@Eternaloptimist, you've got a W4S DAC2 and PreXPd! You're spoilt for choice! I guess you've kept the Pre to use the tuner, do you analogue out from the CD6SE (I own one too) into the Pre or optical into the DAC? I imagine, if the latter, the sound is better as you're using a pretty much unbeatable home audio DAC, but how do you feel about using the 6SE as just a transport, and "losing" it as a CD player as it were?

Apologies to OP for hijacking the thread but I think you have the information you need now...
anderc02:Hi, Would the DAC in my amp be good enough for such a fine Transport?

Yes. The DAC can't put back in was wasn't there in the first place so a better transport will make any DAC sound better. Don't buy the 8SE if you have the Qx DAC. You will get better results with the Cd XT SE+. I know, have have listened to both side by side.
Off kilter comment but what does your cyrus amp say on the led when you input music files ie when i use my Apple classic through an onkyo nds1 Dock it states 48kz sometimes it states 44.1 but it seems a low bitrate: any thoughts?
What does the led display on your 8xpd say when you play digital music files? ; mine is normally 48z which I thought would be a higher bit rate ?It is 44.1 if i play files via laptop and USB but only 48z via optical or coaxial digital.
datay:@Eternaloptimist, you've got a W4S DAC2 and PreXPd! You're spoilt for choice! I guess you've kept the Pre to use the tuner, do you analogue out from the CD6SE (I own one too) into the Pre or optical into the DAC? I imagine, if the latter, the sound is better as you're using a pretty much unbeatable home audio DAC, but how do you feel about using the 6SE as just a transport, and "losing" it as a CD player as it were?

Apologies to OP for hijacking the thread but I think you have the information you need now...

Hi Datay,

My wife definitely thinks I am spoilt! 😀

I really do like the Cyrus PreXPd preamp sound... was the main reason I got the PreXPd. i wasn't sure whether I would really get into streaming hi-res files when I bought the PreXPd. Then I started experimenting... I found the sound from the CD6SE via analogue into the PreXPd significantly better than when used just as a transport via the optical in to the PreXPd DAC (the latter was somewhat muffled) ....So much for the stated Cyrus clairm that the DAC in the PreXPd is similar in quality to the CD6SE... (I'm told the Qx DAC upgrade is a very significant upgrade).

Then I realy got excited and bought the W4S-DAC2 for the DAC (not really for the preamp) and I can honestly say that the sound is marginally better to my ears when using the CD6SE via the W4S DAC2 rather than via analogue. My aim was to have a sound from streamed FLAC files at least as good as the CD6SE sound which I love. It does feel a little strange using the CD6SE as a transport only but then again, it was the transport itself which was the major development. I don't think I will get another CD player again as much as I love the CD6SE...

You are right about the tuner... I love the FM6, use it lots and would be sad to lose it.

Also, the W4S may have a preamp function, but the input management of the PreXPd is more user friendly. In any case, I do love the Cyrus Preamp sound....
What does the led display on your 8xpd say when you play digital music files? ; mine is normally 48z which I thought would be a higher bit rate ?It is 44.1 if i play files via laptop and USB but only 48z via optical or coaxial digital.

When I used the PreXPd DAC input, I also had difficulty getting the correct sample rate displayed... 24/96 files were displayed as 48 Hz.... This was via USB, setup as per sig. No longer a problem with the W4S DAC2 - displays all sample rates correctly. Never did get to the bottom of the problem...
Thanks optimist, interesting to hear how's it all going for you. W4S looks like a superb piece of kit - Mark from Item Audio who is their dealer in the UK is really helpful as well. Won't be getting one now though...

I have only had the Qx three days - not got a USB cable yet (so can't comment on the bitrate for now anderc02), and had a total DOH! moment when I ordered a co-axial cable instead of optical to try the CD6SE through the Qx! Even though I had previously commented the 6SE only has optical output, we do get a bit trigger happy on the purchases at times...(wanted an Atlas Opus cable at massively-knocked down price as I've got Elektras at silly prices too). Still, will keep the cable for a future upgrade, I also have a Marantz 6002 which has coaxial output (£600 cheaper than 6SE, which doesn't...) so will see how that sounds (got to retrieve it from my girlfirend's place first).


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