critical listening?

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Reason women don't do hifi is they are too busy..running a, juggling job with school pick up! Putting up with us twits must be full time job in itself! And the main reason...hifi is too messy! It can't be cleared away or put in cupboard? Wires everywhere! Hifi hasn't been relegated to garden shed yet?
keeper of the quays said:
Reason women don't do hifi is they are too busy..running a, juggling job with school pick up! Putting up with us twits must be full time job in itself! And the main reason...hifi is too messy! It can't be cleared away or put in cupboard? Wires everywhere! Hifi hasn't been relegated to garden shed yet?
You may have a point.
keeper of the quays said:
Reason women don't do hifi is they are too busy..running a, juggling job with school pick up! Putting up with us twits must be full time job in itself! And the main reason...hifi is too messy! It can't be cleared away or put in cupboard? Wires everywhere! Hifi hasn't been relegated to garden shed yet?

Really, this again? You do realize 3 members of the What hi-fi sound and vision staff are women. One got quite vocal the last time something along the same lines was said. With remarkes like that it's understandable why we don't get no females on this site.
MrReaper182 said:
keeper of the quays said:
Reason women don't do hifi is they are too busy..running a, juggling job with school pick up! Putting up with us twits must be full time job in itself! And the main reason...hifi is too messy! It can't be cleared away or put in cupboard? Wires everywhere! Hifi hasn't been relegated to garden shed yet?

Really, this again? You do realize 3 members of the What hi-fi sound and vision staff are women. One got quite vocal the last time something along the same lines was said. With remarkes like that it's understandable why we don't get no females on this site.
think the woman might agree with what I have said? Women are literally too men have no idea..we couldn't do what they do..only reason they tolerate hifi is it keeps us men from getting under their feet! (reaper if your unmarried? You won't understand what I'm on )
There does seem to be an increase in the amount of women who are visiting hi-fi stores and shows. Not that I'm counting or anything, it's just that it is plainly obvious! We are seeing more and more couples buying systems or products together (maybe so they can keep an eye on their fella's spending!), and more women on their own coming in too. I think part of this is connected with the increase in vinyl sales.

The times they are a changin'...
David@FrankHarvey said:
...and more women on their own coming in too. I think part of this is connected with the increase in vinyl sales.

That is indeed interesting trend. Any idea why this may be the case?
I think its because hifi has become cool and therefore the average Audiophile has become irresistible to the opposite sex..... David has obviously been seeing Audiophile wags at the shows 🙂

Only kidding

No reason why women shouldn't get into the appreciation of music playback. Who knows why more haven't your either interested or not, or can become interested.
I don't think that has anything to do with gender.

Maybe because it's a more solo sport?
Although a second truly interested opinion is always lovely
keeper of the quays said:
Women are literally too men have no idea..we couldn't do what they do..

Nonsense. If the gender references were the other way round that would get rightfully lambasted as male-chauvinist sexist twaddle. By and large men and women just enjoy different things, simple as that. Hopefully the average hetrosexual couple finds enough of an overlap of interests for them to have at least some enjoyable hobby they can share. Wary of being labelled sexist or a misogynist. men especially appear to have become terrified of admitting the blatantly obvious truth that men and women are by and large just simply different, with different interests and natural skills. Now and again you get odd exceptions to the rule, such as the comparatively-small number of female racing drivers and male primary school teachers/nurses. Being different doesn't make either sex inferior or superior. As humans we should celebrate it and make the best from it.
MajorFubar said:
keeper of the quays said:
Women are literally too men have no idea..we couldn't do what they do..

Nonsense. If the gender references were the other way round that would get rightfully lambasted as male-chauvinist sexist twaddle. By and large men and women just enjoy different things, simple as that. Hopefully the average hetrosexual couple finds enough of an overlap of interests for them to have at least some enjoyable hobby they can share. Wary of being labelled sexist or a misogynist. men especially appear to have become terrified of admitting the blatantly obvious truth that men and women are by and large just simply different, with different interests and natural skills. Now and again you get odd exceptions to the rule, such as the comparatively-small number of female racing drivers and male primary school teachers/nurses. Being different doesn't make either sex inferior or superior. As humans we should celebrate it and make the best from it.
so your telling me you could cope with a houseful of screaming kids..getting them to school on time. Then doing the housework, keeping a job down etc...hahaha..i very much doubt it..the reality of life is women do most everything and us men just hang about being irritating...theres no sexism here..its called reality..its all very well to huff and puff about equality if you don't have to do anything...without women us hapless men would be lost mostly...
keeper of the quays said:
so your telling me you could cope with a houseful of screaming kids..getting them to school on time. Then doing the housework, keeping a job down etc...hahaha..i very much doubt it..the reality of life is women do most everything and us men just hang about being irritating...theres no sexism here..its called reality..its all very well to huff and puff about equality if you don't have to do anything...without women us hapless men would be lost mostly...

Yes done that, been there when my wife has been ill (or even hospitalised), or away on courses with her work for up to a week at a time in the past. (And the kids weren't 'screaming' when either me, or their mum, were looking after them.)

The cooking always got done, the house and the kids were tidy and clean (at least by bedtime anyway) and I even - successfully - got a full Christmas dinner cooked one year when my wife was recovering. (Even the district nurse was included and had a portion.)

Please don't paint all of us with your personal feeling of 'haplessness'.
keeper of the quays said:
so your telling me you could cope with a houseful of screaming kids..getting them to school on time. Then doing the housework, keeping a job down etc...hahaha..i very much doubt it..the reality of life is women do most everything and us men just hang about being irritating...

Utter nonsense and sexist twaddle. You're insulting to lone fathers, of whom I know several, who do ALL of those things. On their own. And maintain a full or part time job. Including myself for albeit a short period (6 weeks) when the kids were young and Mrs Fubar was 200 miles away caring for her dying father. If the gender references were reversed in your argument there'd rightly be a queue to have your balls boiled. Just because you have some kind of male inferiority complex, don't tar us all with the same brush and make us all out to be inept good for nothing hapless layabouts.

[typos edited..I'm rubbish at typing on phones...must be because I'm a hapless male]


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