Creek Destiny amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've borrowed the Creek amp for the weekend and so far I'm impressed with the bigger soundstage, more detail and firm bass compared to my own Rotel amp. Listening to acoustic Neil Young "For the turnstiles" it's like he´s in the room stamping the floor but on the more explosive stuff with Crazy Horse or Stax r&b and soul I have a feeling somethings missing. For lack of a better expression "the boogie factor". The guys in my local store mentioned the Exposure 3010S and I will be trying it next and maybe the Naim Nait 5i. Any suggestions?


New member
Jan 18, 2008
The Destiny is lovely amplifier but like you I find it lacks punch. The Nait is a very 'together' sounding amplifier that lets you concentrate on the music though again, I find it lacks a little bit of punch and sounds almost to refined, a result perhaps of a very audible rolled-off treble. Just an opinion.

I think you probably find the exposure to your liking though I have'nt heard the revised 3010. My suggestion would be a cyrus 8, especially if you can get it with a heavy discount. If its punch and a bit of get up and go you want, it'll do that easily. Then add the matching player and Rega's R3 or 5 and 2.5k later you have a lovely system


Thank you, Drummerman.

I just spend the last few hours listening to the Creek in active mode - did the trick for me "punch wise". Early Roxy Music and Big Star "Sister Lovers" was just so alive and happening without losing the amazing details. I agree with you lovely amp. I might end up having to buy it!


The nait's worth a try too. I agree with the criticism but it's still a thumping good integrated. I enjoy the timing and precision, made my old rotel sound outright sloppy.


I am sure that Creek Destiny is far better than Naim XS.

I compared Creek Destiny, Naim XS, Densen B-110, Roksan Caspian, Prmare I21, Unico Secondo, Audio Analogue Verdi Cento, Heed Obelisk Si, Yamaha A-S2000.

The best of them is defenitely Creek Destiny. Is the most musical and analytical, with the best soundstage.I cannot describe exactly but I am looking for an integrated amplifier for a lot of months and to be honest I didn't like to buy any item of Creek - the main reason is that hasn't been advertised as the others. For example Roksan, Naim, Primare, Yamaha have received many good reviews and they have very good promotion.

But Creek Destiny has received the best review from the best Hi-Fi site in my opinion, the Stereophile which isn't Britsh and doesn't support all the famous british companies like What Hi-Fi, Hi-fi Choice and others.

Now, I ordered Creek Destiny and I am very happy with my choise.

Furthermore the main advantage of Destiny is its architecture and his neutral sound (plays what exactly receives from the source).