Could a newbie have some help with new speakers, chaps...?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi there,

I'm a bit of a newbie to all this Hi-Fi malarky, but I'm trying my best to get some better audio going at home...

I recently bought a TEAC CR-230 unit from Richer Sounds, which I'm actually pretty pleased with, but I'm still using teh old TEAC speakers from my older Reference 100 system...

So... I'd like to upgrade... My dad's always been a bit more of a HI-Fi buff than me and has always gone on about Mordaunt-Short speakers, but i saw a couple pairs in Richer which I liked the look of which were:

Mordaunt-Short 902i

Cambridge Audio s30

I've recently beefed up the cable I'm using to some QED Silver Anniversary and have roughly a £150 budget for speakers... Are those two worth a punt?

The chap in Richer (who was actually really helpful) said that the MS902i's had 'no bass' and I'd need a subwoofer, which I don't really want to have to bother with, but is that true??

Help much appreciated!!


There are a couple of good speakers available.

Firstly if you want really good speakers at a budget prices go back to richer sounds and ask for the eltax monitor 3. They do them for 70 quid but you may be able to haggle that down to about 50 quid.

The whaferdale diamond 9.1 are also really good speakers and available for £130 at superfi.

Or go for the monitor audio Br2 which are slightly out of your budget but available for £180 at a number of shops.
Thanks mate,

Must admit, I've just been reading about the Wharfedale 9.1's and they sound very good too....

Are the 902i's meant to have taken their crown tho?
i'm not to sure. I've never heard the 9021's but they look like weak speakers to me. The best thing to do is to go to richer sounds and buy both speakers and compare the difference. Then give back the ones you do not like. If you want a good bass response then got for the cheaper monitor 3s, they really are a great bargin.
Cautionary note!

Richer sounds are only legally obliged to give a refund to stuff bought over the internet, not stuff you buy if you get it direct from a store.

So - get very good assurancies before - don't assume! Not knocking them - it's up to them, thats all.
Don't know where you got that from mate. Richer sounds will refund anything you do not like as long as you return it in perfect condition within 14 days.

With the TEAC unit that I've bought, if I plumped for say, the MS 902i's would it be worth the money?

basically, would the CR-230 be good enough to allow me to hear much of a difference through the MS speakers??

Yep definitely, would be a huge upgrade from your current speakers

Many thanks! Think I'll go for the MS 902i's, they have superb reviews, look amazing and my previous experience with MS speakers was very good...

I'll ask RS about exchanges tho, just in case....

Can you ever haggle with them in-store for cash etc..???
I dunno if you can haggle with them for cash. But you could try getting speaker cables or warranty thrown in for free.
[quote user="draj2k"]

Don't know where you got that from mate. Richer sounds will refund anything you do not like as long as you return it in perfect condition within 14 days.


Erm, got it from Richer Sounds..! Not necessary to go into the gory details, but phone calls were made and this is the case. Of course this is open to discretion of the locla managers, but discuss before handing dish over..!

I think you're thinking of the mail order side of it where they will provide a refund (they have to).

Take heed and check for yourself if you like, or not - just trying to let people know to avoid disappointment!
i own a pair of 902i and i was wery happy with them there is plenty of bass so dont worry .ps i dont use'em anymore as i've upgraded but for your teach its well worth a listen the guys a richer will most likely set up a identical sistem to the one u have at home so that u can try the speackers u like

I'll prob just grab em and try em at home based on the great reviews almost everywhere for these. There's barely a bad word spoken about them anywhere, apart from the odd post talking about them being a bit bright...
I think the sale of goods act applies here, you can return goods if within the time limit 7 or 14 days and get a complete refund. this applies to all stores.
Just to say, I bougth the MS 902i's and wow....

They are amazing... Clarity, richness and depth, I'm very satisfied!



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