Cork Turntable Mats

I prefer mats from Dundee myself.

Seriously though, I think cork instead of felt on that level of tt will make little, if any difference. In my view you'd be better of making an improvement on the vinyl/platter connection/synergy by adding a reasonably cheap Michell record clamp and sticking with the felt mat the Pro-ject designers considered and approved.

JohnDuncan:gpi:I prefer mats from Dundee myself

Whereas I prefer the A90 and the A92.

... which cross the Tay Road Bridge. I think I may have got my countries mixed up. :~ Oh well, I did fail my Geography GCE but at least I know that Europe isn't a country, as most Americans believe.
No. What difference could it make? Think about it, it's just a support.
I found the Ringmat made a slight difference for the better on my P3. £50. Yes, you can stop laughing now thanks...
When I made my own mat I also made one for a friend at work with a much more serious system than my own as he was curious, and he was pretty impressed (Think it took him by surprise), he has not done a back to back against his ringmat yet as it entails altering arm height but I will let you know if he is still impressed after.


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