Many don't want a full blown AV amp, but would appreciate an HDMI port to connect their TV to. Optical is fine, until you're a serial YouTube viewer like I am, and then start juggling remotes. I got around this by getting a OneForAll universal remote. But it's still a nuisance. If any hifi company adds a HDMI port to their amp, God bless their soul.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about - YouTube is not the same as watching movies/Blu-ray/DVDs, because there are ads that you'd want to skip, and you'll often want to change volume because said ads are loud, and incidental/background music within videos are 99% not normalised - you're jolted and then have to quickly find the remote.
With HDMI you just need the TV remote control and voila - all is well with the world, war or not.