

New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi.. I purchased a yamaha dsp-ax863se amp back in aug 08 and until a week ago it was running fine. It is now starting to randomly lose channels on seperate occasions i.e firstly the front left speaker, then the front left and right speakers together and recently both rears. I contacted yamaha who suggested a system reset which cured the problem at first but the problem returned. If i turn the amp off then on again that also cures the problem until the next time i switch on and lose any of the five speakers i have connected. Any suggestions?


I'm afraid that this sounds like the DSP or motherboard playing up. Might be worth getting back in touch with Yamaha to see how much an ex-warranty (I guess) costs
though I would just pull out all your connections from the back of your amp first, give it a clean - soft brush and air gun - on the connections and then reconnect everything. If you're using bare wires on the speaker cables, re-trim them to get rid of any oxidised ends. Also worth cleaning the terminals with acetone - make sure your amp is not plugged in and leave things to dry for a good hour or two. See if that helps first, but from the symptoms, it sounds like a bit of a long shot...