Confused about crossover/subwoofer settings


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007

Can someone help me? I have a Denon 2309 and KEF3005SE speakers but i'm confused about the subwoofer settings, I carried out the auto setup as per instructions but the sub doesn't seem to produce as much bass as expected. I looked in the sub instructions which say set the subwoofer's frequency to 120hz although a post on this forum from KEF support states that all frequencies should be set at 80hz. Can someone help me? Do I also need to adjust the tone settings. I think I got more bass from the sub from the sony DAV is10 i used to have when watching a film.
Just checked what the audyssey autosetup had my subwoofer level at. its at -10.5db is that too low? My sats have been set between -2.5 and -1.0
Simple answer - go into the receiver's set-up menu and crank the level of the subwoofer up a bit. The right setting is the one that sounds best to you.
When I set up my bass with my Denon 3808 I used a CD with plenty of bass (Leftfield) to get the gain right. I set the bass level to 0 db on my denon and just played about until it sounded right. This ended up to be about 45. When setting the cross over frequency I set my bass (MJ Acoustic Reference 100 MK II) ro level to LFE, which means that the AV reciever has control of the crossover. If your sub has this it will be at the very top above 99. If not then set it to 80. I then ran the Audyssey set up with 8 points of reference. The thing to remember when you run the Audyssey set up is it must be silent in the room and you will need to stand out of the speaker zones. The mic also needs to be at ear height pointing upwards. The first measurement is the most importnat as this sets the distances, this should be in the main seating position. I took 4 measurements along the sofa then 4 about 2ft in front of the sofa. If you don't have a mic stand then you will have to get creative (I used a badminton racket !!).
Hems:Just checked what the audyssey autosetup had my subwoofer level at. its at -10.5db is that too low? My sats have been set between -2.5 and -1.0

Mine did the same with the sub, I think the 3808 doesn't set it very well at all. I've got my sub around +2db, rears +3db, fronts +1.5, get yourself a sound meter, you can't beat it.

Yeah, my Marantz kit did the same with the auto Audyssey, seems to be a common thing from what I have read.

First time I ran it, the results gave speakers as 'large' and crossover at 60Hz (!), which I knew wasn't right nor what I wanted. The bass was low also. So I just went back in and manually changed it all. As said above, think a SPL meter is the only way to go to ensure the levels are equal. I reckon the only thing the auto set-up was good for was saving me getting out a tape measure, and I'm not 100% sure it got that right until I check sometime !

Regardless of manufacturers spec claims, I think you shouldn't be looking at a crossover of below a 100Hz for 'sat' speakers - let them breathe a bit and the sub do more low end duties.....
hifi_nut:Hems:Just checked what the audyssey autosetup had my subwoofer level at. its at -10.5db is that too low? My sats have been set between -2.5 and -1.0

Mine did the same with the sub, I think the 3808 doesn't set it very well at all. I've got my sub around +2db, rears +3db, fronts +1.5, get yourself a sound meter, you can't beat it.


If I get a sound meter what levels should I be getting at the measurement point?

I've also noticed that I have to have the Dynamic EQ switched on to make a real difference to the bass. With Dynamic EQ is something that should be on all the time because the surround levels and bass seem too low when watching tv or a blu ray when its switched off.
Sit in your listening spot, meter on tripod/support at ear level (and set to slow response and C), turn on the Amp's test tone, and set each speaker level to meet 75db - start with the FL or Centre speaker, turn up the volume until you get the 75db, then set all the others relative + or - to this......
One thing I'm confused about is the Distances. I've read on many a site,ÿparticularlyÿre Audyssey, that the auto set up actually sets up the distances based upon the 'acoustic' distance as well as the physical distance, especially with the LFE, where it also takes into account the response time of the circuitry of the sub-woofer. Hence, when you check the settings, the sub distance may be a figure quite different from the physical distance in metres.ÿBut when setting manually, which tends to beÿrecommended, you can only really know the physical distance....I've even just read a Naim manual for their AV2 that states to measure the speaker distances, but that 6"ÿaccuracyÿor so shouldn't make a difference....Which is right ?!ÿ
Andrew Everard:Simple answer - go into the receiver's set-up menu and crank the level of the subwoofer up a bit. The right setting is the one that sounds best to you.
I totally agree with Andrew here, forget how the instructions recommend how your sub should be set, just play around with it until it sounds good to you?? & when you use your auto callibration & they say put your mic in the listening position? the best place is to put it on top of your head!! as it doesnt come any closer than that for your listening position (just dont let anyone see you doing this ha)then just sit perfectly still. I found on my amp to be very accurate results espec in speaker distance etc the only thing i had to change manually was the channel levels as they always seem to be set to low & i know a few people that repeat the auto set up numerous times as they say it wasnt accurate, but i just believe there wanting it to come up with a result that they agree with? So yet again with the subs just manually do it until it sounds good to you!?


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