Colours on the 40w4500


New member
Sep 26, 2007
I really love this tv mine doesnt suffer from any of the clouding etc that has been mentioned but I cant seem to get the colours quite right on SD, especially on shows like xfactor. That show looks terrible sometimes the judges look like lobsters!!! I am not sure if its just the lighting on the show or if the TV is automatically adjusting the picture quality. Sometimes the colours do seem to be a bit washed out as well. Any thoughts on setting this up advice etc?


I have the same problem - it will be interesting to hear the replys you get! But the only thing that i can think to upgrade to SKY HD and the HDMI will clear it up. I'm currenty connected with Sky plus via scart

For a start, don't put it on Vivid...and i would have the colour no higher than 60.

My settings are Standard;

colour 55

Colour temp: Warm 1 or Warm 2 (warm 2 giving a less artificially bright colour)

I think, the more colour you have on SD the more it blurs or makes things look ugly, as the resolution loses sharpness and definition. Upscaled DVDs are far more forgiving when viewed on this TV with higher colour levels. Digital TV needs a bit of care.

I must say, that at times the SD on this tv (for inbuilt digital broadcasts) is brilliant. Certain low quality channels can be horrible, that thats their fault and usually not worth watching anyway.
If you cant be bothered tweaking around with all the settings stick it on cinema and warm 2. The cinema default settings are broadly similar to the settings that some folk have been posting after using calibration dvds. Its also very similar to settings used by some other sites when calibrating this set and is the closest to D65 standard.
I have sky HD using a decent QED HDMI so its not that. I will mess around more with the colour settings though I might test the cinema and warm 1/2 as I am not great at callibrating lol! My step dad is over at xmas and he is good at things like that as he used to be a sound engineer and setup stuff like this in the past!

Thanks for the replies

I have had my 40W4500 for week now and I had a similar problem with SD tv through my sky digibox. I found the best setting was for the colour temp to be cool or neutral with colour no greater than 50%.


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