Chord Company Chameleon Silver Plus VS Crimson

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I am using a cheapo (1-2 pound) cable right now that I dug up from an old box as I wait for the delivery of the Chord Chameleon and it is amazing how much difference there is in sound! The bass is just not there, treble is muted and detail is gone. Can't wait for the new cable so that music can sound like it should again!
chainrock:I am using a cheapo (1-2 pound) cable right now that I dug up from an old box as I wait for the delivery of the Chord Chameleon and it is amazing how much difference there is in sound! The bass is just not there, treble is muted and detail is gone. Can't wait for the new cable so that music can sound like it should again!

I'm with you chainrock. I'm a pretty cynical person and I tend to be very skeptical of a lot of the high end "tweak" products, however when it comes to cable I'm a believer. I've read articles debunking hi end wire and all that, but my ears say different. Now, I won't be buying any £1000 wire any time soon (or ever for that matter), but spending £100 on an interconnect IS worth it. Like many high end audio products, diminishing returns kicks in before the prices get ridiculous.
chainrock:Unless equipment is on top of one another, 0.5m is really not long enough... but we all have different setups!

My dealer told me that cables are designed with 1.0m runs in mind and that the electrical balance of an analogue cable changes if you shorten or lengthen it. It wasn't a sales trick either because he sold me the 1.0m for the same price as I had seen the 0.5m.
My missus is away this week, which gives me the perfect chance to do a nerdy A/B test on the Chameleon that's been ordered and my current vdh D102 III. I will post the results on the forum.


My missus is away this week, which gives me the perfect chance to do a nerdy A/B test on the Chameleon that's been ordered and my current vdh D102 III. I will post the results on the forum.

Sweet! I love nerdy A/B tests..
My missus is away this week, which gives me the perfect chance to do a nerdy A/B test on the Chameleon that's been ordered and my current vdh D102 III. I will post the results on the forum.

Sweet!ÿ I love nerdy A/B tests..

Well I don;t want her thinking I'm more of a nerd than she does already. Some people just don't understand...

This is a situation when being married to Clare would be ideal.


Even I might draw the line at A/B cable tests of a weekend (says the woman experimenting with a multichannel music set-up on a Saturday night
JoelSim:I've just bought a Chameleon for £66 from Divine Audio.

JoelSlim, did you get your cables from DivineAudio? I got mine and although they don't seem heavily used they don't seem brand new either (demo?). Just curious.
Divine Audio said they had been lying around in the warehouse for a while but have not been used.
Thanks. Are you a believer in cable burn-in? Chord claims:

"The configuration and the silver/Teflon© construction mean that the cable takes quite a while to burn in and until the cable is burnt in it can sound slightly mechanical and a little hard. This will disappear over a period of two to three weeks.

While on the subject of burn in, all our research carried out so far points to the fact that you cannot quote a definite time in which a cable will burn in. The burn in time is dependent on what equipment is being used and also what type of music is predominantly played. High-energy dance music with lots of high frequency information would seem to offer the quickest results. "
I've just picked up on this forum and am very interested as I doing the same test myself. I've got a CA DACMagic, Arcam A28 and a pair of Tannoy Custom F4s. The amp has just finished burning in and was worried that I lacked high end bass with my CA Azur Reference cables so tried my Chord Crimson pair from my turntable. The Crimso removed some of the brightness the CA were showing, but also removed the detail, so I picked up a pair of Chameleon Silver Plus at my local dealer for £69 (don't tell the other half). Wow, what a difference, all the detail of the CAs, but much more bass where it's needed. I tried awapping backwards and forwards for over an hour, just to make sure I wasn't conning myself that the Chameleon was better just because it's more expensive. What I've learnt is to trust your ears and go with what sounds best. For me the issue was floorstaders next to a wall, so a need for bass plugs to calm things down. Only, thr plus calm down all the bass, where I wanted to just calm the bottom end. In this situation the Chameleons brought back some of the upper bass I needed.

Planning to upgrade IC from Merlin Mozart to either Crimson or CSP. Current speaker cables are V.Damme pure copper cables, so bass is good. The Merlin's are okay, but not happy with how cymbals and high-hat sounds, not natural, I guess.

So, upgrading to Crimson, again a budget cable, is going sideways, or will it be more natural sounding than the Merlins?

If I upgrade to CSP, which I read has more bass weight, will make the sound even more bassy coz of pure copper speaker cables or is the CSP in a different level and will grip the bass for an ejoyable sound? - I listen with source direct 'on'.

PS: Joel please come up with your findings.

My missus is away this week, which gives me the perfect chance to do a nerdy A/B test on the Chameleon that's been ordered and my current vdh D102 III. I will post the results on the forum.

I used VDH D102 III and the VDH is the smoothest sounding of the Chameleon..
I went from Crimsom Plus to Chameleon SP yesterday. I used Pendulums In Silico for comparison.
I noticed the difference immediately as there was so much more weight about the cymbals on track one, everything seems to have more pace & weight and no loss of detail whatsoever. Very happy.

Recently went from a Roksan KC1 CDP to a Kandy k2 and initially was a little underwhelmed but adding the Chameleon has seen a real improvement.
hi jaxwired,please before you upgrade any chord cable in your system - i dont recommend it by the way,please check out , i took the plunge and gave there cables a try on someone elses recommendation,i can tell you that they are superb with bryston electronics,i used to use chord anthem and epic,but not any more,the cables from the music cable absolutely blow the chord cables away,extremely impressive and superbly priced,they take a long time to burn in but its worth it ,i now use there balanced xlr cables and reference speaker cables and the full system synergy is superb,i can highly recommend them to you as a fellow bryston owner,they even offer a money back garantee with home trial,i have found them to be very honest and genuine to deal with too which is important to me,check them out mate.
oops,ive now just read the full thread and see youve already bought,just to let you know the music cable sells in half meter lengths and the prices are in us dollars.