Changed rooms now I have bloom n doom


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I moved my system into a larger room about 1.5 FT wider and 4 FT longer with 8.5 FT ceilings. My carpet is not nearing as plush as it was upstairs but now I have this mid range that just blooms picture _-----_ so flat high high higher flat again in the freq chain. Any suggestions. Also how worried would you be if you powered up hit the power on your power amp and the breaker goes down? I flipped it and put the cord into the top slot and it come back on probably a case of paranoia but anyways it happend. How do I get rid of that bloom is it as simple as putting more carpet under my speakers so its not sitting on cement. If I push on my carpet upstairs it gives downstairs its sitting on concrete.
Well first thing first and I cant believe I didnt think of this. I just built this room its 11.5 FT wide and 15,6 FT long and 8.5 ceilings, my speakers are 23 inches from side walls and 56.25 from rear and 7 to listening chair to form a triangle with a piece of dense memory foam along my back wall with records along the walls as well so there upright.
I cant belive I didnt think of this but behind my left speaker about 1 FT directly behind and then directly to the left my closet is wide open as there is no doors in yet that could be my problem. at that is leaving a 5ft spot right open.

What else or I thought could be a problem is when I powered my A21 up my breaker box flipped so I unplugged and placed the prong in the top plug and it fired up no problem but there is a hum and more butts...that could have been the electrican not wiring properly more than anything.

That closet being open could be the culpret
i assume you have tried different speaker/listening positions?

at a guess i would've thought that the closet might give lopsided bass, with it being lighter on the side with the closet.
When I first got my speakers the bass was a bit overpowering and it took a while of experimenting to get it to sound right. The eurika moment was in lessening the toe-in for me. If you have yours toed then try straightening them up the toeing them in by a few cm at a time until the image snaps in to focus, but no further. This made more difference for me than I would have thought possible.

Also could you clarify how far away they are from the rear wall, because above you said both that they are 56.25 inches from the rear wall and also that the closet opening was only a foot behind, so that's a little confusing.
Have you checked the speaker cables are they running correctly either poled or reversed?

Also what is this "memory foam" and whats its purpose?

Also the distances as Dan has put are confusing.
polarity is good thats what i thought at first something is backwards but this part is good. Memory foam is the same stuff they use in some diffusers the same foam in the memory beds just not as thick it does a good job and lessing the echo in a room.

The L and R speaker are both 56 inches from the rear wall but directly one foot behind the left speaker is a gaping whole for a closet that isnt closed in yet by bi folds or (doors). Something that is having me scratch is the L and R channel stuff i used to listen to was placed on the right side now its coming from the left speaker but i have checked and checked polarity is right from the source to the pre to the power amp with the cables.
The room is giving you the problem and the hole behind the speaker won't help.
You say the room echos, obviously this needs to change with soft furnishings to dampen the resonances.
Also is it possible to move the set up to the other end and see what sound you get their?

Regarding the L and R, if it's wired up correctly now maybe it wasn't before?
the room is the evil one LOL its funny Im going to a larger room than before but doesnt have the acoustics that the smaller room had. The best way to describe it before was a velvet chocolate now it is hard brash and that bottom end i had before is now replaced by a higher frequency that makes you go ?

Thanks for the help


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