

New member
Aug 24, 2007
Decided I'm gonna sell my Odyssey 2, QED SA XT and 2 Clearer Audio Silverlines. Should realise about £500-£550 for that lot.

Then going to buy 1 Shiva, use the supplied power cable off my DVD as I really don't care about the benefits of an expensive power cord with Peppa Pig, and then get some new speaker cable with the remaining money, approx £400-£420 I reckon. Maybe Kimber 8TC/Nordost Super Flatline/Gutwire Basic.

Who knows what the fleabay fairies will offer up.
Life is good! Enjoy the new cable and please report your findings as usual. I'm sooooo tempted myself by some lightly used chord signature for sale cheap, but I just can't pull the trigger on it. I love my odyssey. It's just fantastic cable IMO.

I must be totally self deluded because I'm not just sort of convinced I hear subtle differences in speaker and interconnect cables, I'm rock solid positive I hear clean clear differences. I'm off the deep end.


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