CD player with loop?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

Is there anyone out there that knowsa of a cheapish Cd player that has a loop of some sort. I had a cd player in the past wich called the loop "A B"

I am a guitarist and just need to sit down loop 4 or 5 seconds of a song so i can learn it by ear. then move to the next bit.

Any help would be grand.

My older Arcams did... Have a look on eBay for Arcam 5 or 6 CDPs.

You could also consider on old DVD player; sound wont be as good but they always had A-B loops on them; my Awia does and its sat under my stairs gathering dust haha
If you are not interested in excellent sound quality then I would suggest a dj cd deck. I have a numark axis 8 and you can program your loops. I think the axis models start from about £140. Look on ebay
Thanks for the replys guys.

I dont really care about sound quality, ideal would be if there was one out there what like a stand alone cdplayer or a personal one.

As i will need to moce about from place to place.

Where is the options to loop and slow down but keep the same pitch on windows media player?
The newmark is a stand alone player, pretty tough and not that big. Would be fine for moving around. It has 2xloop functions, pitch adjust upto 100% and effects. Try one.


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