CD player upgrade?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Marantz CD17KI cd player, on the front of Linn amplification and Monitor audio GS20 speakers. I am considering an upgrade modification to the CD player by Trichord. This involves a new clock and power supply. Question is for the £500 approx cost, would I be better putting that amount to a new player, and if so what to replace it with ?
Just curious, why do you wanna upgrade your cd player? Are you missing something?
I think the CD17Ki is an exceptionally good cd player and if you really want to upgrade stick with this cd player and modify it.
A new cd player with better performance wil cost you a lot more than a modifiation.

It's a nice player to look at as-well, Marantz has changed their design drastically with their latest cd players which doesn't come close to the beauty of this player.
I wouldn't get rid of it.
By the way, the transport of this player (VAM1201) is reliable and if it would break eventually (skipping problems) you can get another one for not much money - it is still being made.
Adiocom super clock 4 (200 quids) is better but I don't think you should!
Sell your cd player (£300 - £370) put that money toward £500 that you have to spend on the modification and buy yourself a brand new Cambridge Audio 840C is a better bet.

If you can strech more then go for Rega Saturn or 2nd hand AudioNet ART V2.
Hi, thank you for your views. I don't really want to change my player as like you I still think it is a good bit of kit. However I know that as time goes by and hi fi advances my player might not be quite as good as it once was. Hence after adding new speakers to my syetem recently,(really good upgrade) the dealer suggested as my next move to update my CD player. I have heard of Trichord from years back, but wanted to try and gauge the level of improvement I might get for money laid out, if you see what I mean. I am also a bit nervous at letting someone taking my CD player apart and inserting new parts!

Anyway thanks again and you have at least confirmed what I thought, that the CD17KI is a good bit of kit.
Hi thank you for your thoughts. Do you not think the Adiocom upgrade is not worth doing then. I also auditioned the Primare CD player,(£1500) when I upgraded my speakers and could not see much difference between it and my CD17KI.

Thanks again
I had my Marantz moded with audiocom super clock 4 (and 3 in the past). The advantage of Crystal clock is, imo, better suited to a lesser player such as the 63 ose or the 67. The 17KI is an almighty of a player anyway so the different in sound would not be that much better. For under a thounsand pound you just can not beat Cambridge Audio 840C! OK it may need a little bit more kick if you are a real head banger or a full blown Raver but for most of people it will do just fine.
[quote user="Steve2"]
Hi, thank you for your views. I don't really want to change my player as like you I still think it is a good bit of kit. However I know that as time goes by and hi fi advances my player might not be quite as good as it once was. Hence after adding new speakers to my syetem recently,(really good upgrade) the dealer suggested as my next move to update my CD player. I have heard of Trichord from years back, but wanted to try and gauge the level of improvement I might get for money laid out, if you see what I mean. I am also a bit nervous at letting someone taking my CD player apart and inserting new parts!

Anyway thanks again and you have at least confirmed what I thought, that the CD17KI is a good bit of kit.

Yes, maybe cd players get better and better over the years and your CD 17KI does no longer match the performance of newer cd players - though I doubt this very much!
I don't believe the improvements are that big.

Do you like the sound of your kit right now?
If yes, why on earth upgrade your cd player? Because you audio dealer says so? Because there's something better out there?

I got plenty of money to upgrade my humble system, but why would I if I like what I'm having right now?
If my Marantz CD 6000 Ki would break I'd first try to fix it, because it really is a nice and good looking player.

It's up to you.
But when you decide to upgrade first try to get clear what you're missing right now, what the weaknesses are - who says your cd player is the weak link anyway?
[quote user="tounra"]Yes, maybe cd players get better and better over the years [/quote]

I disagree, after 25 years of digital technology there not much more can be improved, imo.
Example: Linn Genki is now 7 years old and still prefer to many newer players today. My MF 308CR will show many today £2000 cd player the door! Cyrus CD7Q is one of the best Cyrus player ever made imo and the Marantz 63 Ki is still sort after today.
So Thaiman,

I'm going to buy a CD player. I've realised that for DVDs there's nothing wrong with my DVD player, so I'm just going to keep it and buy an HD player next year. But I could do with masively improving my CD replay. For under £500 which CD player should I buy?

Looking for a warm rich sound and happy to go 2nd hand for a nearly new player, such as an Arcam if I should. What're your views?
CD Technology has more or less plateau 'd'. What has increased is the knowledge of what causes CD to underperform like CD Vibration, Clock stability, jitter, RF interference, Power supplies etc... In that sense players have in a very general way improved over the years.

Having said that my first CD player (1983/84) Philips CD303 (14*4) would have given allot of today's players a run for their money. It buried all (except the top Sony) Japanese players of the time.

SACD takes the sound to a new level (more of an analogue sound smoother/refined with greater sence of depth and space). I was told that Blu ray audio technology was being developed with incredible sample rates. I look fowards to that.

In my opinion the only really limiting factor is the quality of the software on CDs. The quality of the recording/mastering etc..

The best CD player in the world + Rubbish CD = Rubbish sound. You can escape that fact!
[quote user="Will Harris"]So Thaiman,

I'm going to buy a CD player. I've realised that for DVDs there's nothing wrong with my DVD player, so I'm just going to keep it and buy an HD player next year. But I could do with masively improving my CD replay. For under £500 which CD player should I buy?
Looking for a warm rich sound and happy to go 2nd hand for a nearly new player, such as an Arcam if I should. What're your views?

Wise move going for the CDP now and geting a HD player next year. For under GBP500 new, I don't see much better than the Marantz CD6002 (but that may be a little too entry level to give you a substantial enough improvement). You could also consider the Marantz SA7001.

For under GBP500 used, you could consider the CA 840C which has that warm rich sound you're after, but a used unit may be hard to come by. Alternatively you could consider the CA 740C new.
Thanks Krazy.

840c second hand sounds like a plan. (If there's a good condition one out there, or wait for the post xmas sales!)
If you have £200 to spend now then the link is here!

I don't like the Kandy but many many people love them and they are one of the top 10 best selling cd player in the last few years. Otherwise wait until you are ready........£500 will get you a grand CD player if you don't mind 2nd hand and the different is WOW!

Note: I can't format my post (still) so no link!....the ebay number is 270171683085
Hi Thaiman is this "MF A5 - MF A308cr - Neat ULTIMATUM MF 5" your system? Not Bad!!!!

Looks like you have a monster high mass (Tank like at 17.5kg (38.7lbs) ) cd player - nice !
Any comments on the Pioneer PDD6J? It's CD/SACD and has a five star rating. Used to be a sceptic re dedicated CD players until I joined this forum. Should I still be? The Pioneer looks tempting.
[quote user="Geelan"]
Any comments on the Pioneer PDD6J? It's CD/SACD and has a five star rating. Used to be a sceptic re dedicated CD players until I joined this forum. Should I still be? The Pioneer looks tempting.

I didn't like the PD-D6J at all. Totally unimpressive and even the Marantz CD5001 was better in my opinion. But the Marantz SA7001 was head and shoulders above the other two in a 3 way shootout. But I think the CD6002 is the budget bargain at the moment, not just because WHF says so, but from comparing it to my Cyrus CD6s.

I have also compared the Roksan Kandy to the CD6s before and the Roksan sounded rather dull and lifeless in comparison.
[quote user="hifikrazy"] I have also compared the Roksan Kandy to the CD6s before and the Roksan sounded
rather dull and lifeless in comparison.[/quote]

Oh! Someone have a similar pair of ears to my, The Kandys are dull in comparison to most cdp!
[quote user="Anton90125"]Hi Thaiman is this "MF A5 - MF A308cr - Neat ULTIMATUM MF 5" your system? Not Bad!!!!

Looks like you have a monster high mass (Tank like at 17.5kg (38.7lbs) ) cd player - nice ![/quote]

I just sold my amp as it's that upgrade time again! The CD player will stay with me for a long time as I haven't found anything that better the sound yet!
[quote user="Thaiman"][quote user="Anton90125"]Hi Thaiman is this "MF A5 - MF A308cr - Neat ULTIMATUM MF 5" your system? Not Bad!!!!

Looks like you have a monster high mass (Tank like at 17.5kg (38.7lbs) ) cd player - nice ![/quote]

I just sold my amp as it's that upgrade time again! The CD player will stay with me for a long time as I haven't found anything that better the sound yet![/quote]

Nothing to do with CD Upgrades I know (except these will all sound better!) - I see from your Bio that you play bass. Do you modal your self on anyone / My Top 5 favourite bass players are :

1)John Entwistle See it amazing:

2)Chris Squire see:

3)Geddy Lee see: And

4)Jaco Pastorius Possibly the best ever bassist!?: And

5) Terry "Geezer" Butler see:

not necessarily in that order !
Some great players of that list, Ant. I was inspired by Randy Meisner (the Eagles) it's a shame that Elvis didn't play bass otherwise he would be my bass idol.
[quote user="Thaiman"]Some great players of that list, Ant. I was inspired by Randy Meisner (the Eagles) it's a shame that Elvis didn't play bass otherwise he would be my bass idol.[/quote]

He would have played double bass.


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