CD player or speaker upgrade for Yamaha A-S500


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Hi all,

This is my first post to these forums. I've just become a proud owner of a Yamaha A-S500. I appreciate that this amp divides opinion, I for one prefer the clearer top end / brightness coupled with the vice like grip at the bottom end (at least compared to my previous amplifier).

My thoughts now turn to what component to upgrade next. I currently use Marantz CD5001 and Mission M73 floor standers. I was probably leaning towards upgrading to a Marantz CD6005. As for speakers, I was considering Tannoy Revolution DC6T (I can't justify the SEs). Any thoughts would be greatly welcome!
what are you trying to achieve with upgrading bits? Just it might help people advise you better.

do you like the current sound of the system, or is there something missing?
The AS-500 is a very good amp, and should work well with any of the speakers you have mentioned. Something like the the DC6T's would be an excellent choice, as they pack well above their weight, and would also be a fine speaker for future use, should you ever want to change the Yamaha.
Going back to the original question, I had a Marantz cd5001 and didn't think it was very good, so although speakers may well have the biggest say in the sound, I think you are right to consider changing the cd player and going upmarket a bit.
CD player is possbly the weekest link, however the CD6005 won't be massively different to what you have now - it will sound better, but not by a big margin, something like the Audiolab 8200CD would be the bigger improvement if you could squeeze one of these into the budget at all?
Why not upgrade one or the other, but do it properly. Digital technology is very well understood, and has been for a long time, and the parts prices will in real terms be fairly low. The real differences come from the implementation, and analogue sections, and power supplies. If can do it, look at cd players, and speakers that cost what you intend to spend on both, and see what that does for the overall sound of your set up.
Thank you to all for some insightful advice. I am coming back into the world of HiFi after many years in the wilderness, as it were. The advice about jumping up to something like Audiolab 8200CD is definitely interesting. At that sort of price, I'd be considering the Cyrus CD6 too. Are there others I should consider? My knowledge is definitely mostly limited to the sub £400 end of the market.

My music taste if fairly varied - there's a lot of dance/pop and classical music (piano, violins/violas tend to feature a lot in what I listen too). The purpose of upgrading the CD player (and eventually the speakers) would be to gain more detail and "control" over the music. The Yamaha A-S500 has already helped me hear things that I never knew existed in many of CDs that I own! But, as good as the Yamaha A-S500 is, it can't reproduce detail that the CD player never produced in the first place.

I am currently listening to Buena Vista Social Club for the first time on the new amplifier and I am listening to strings that I didn't know existed! :-D
I would suggest you try and have a listen to rega cd players, either apollo-r, or. Late ex dem saturn. Imho the saturn was really good value at its full price, and at the 500 or so I have seen them for its a no brainer.
parimalkumar said:
Thank you to all for some insightful advice. I am coming back into the world of HiFi after many years in the wilderness, as it were. The advice about jumping up to something like Audiolab 8200CD is definitely interesting. At that sort of price, I'd be considering the Cyrus CD6 too. Are there others I should consider? My knowledge is definitely mostly limited to the sub £400 end of the market.

My music taste if fairly varied - there's a lot of dance/pop and classical music (piano, violins/violas tend to feature a lot in what I listen too). The purpose of upgrading the CD player (and eventually the speakers) would be to gain more detail and "control" over the music. The Yamaha A-S500 has already helped me hear things that I never knew existed in many of CDs that I own! But, as good as the Yamaha A-S500 is, it can't reproduce detail that the CD player never produced in the first place.

I am currently listening to Buena Vista Social Club for the first time on the new amplifier and I am listening to strings that I didn't know existed! :-D

The audiolab has dac inputs (unlike the CD6?) which would be attractive, and I had thought of getting one of these myself, though I haven't heard it! The caveats are

1. Price wise the audiolab is a big step up pricewise (£720). Would you get value from it via the Yamaha?

2. There are quite a lot of reports, searching on the net, of problems with the disc tray and non recognition of the discs. There has been an upgrade since it came out, so maybe it's no longer an issue.

Maybe other forum members who own it could help you on these issues?
The Yamaha CDN500 might be worth an audition. Should partner very well with your amp and it's networked for added functionality.
Thank you all for the feedback. I am trying out the Marantz CD6005 and Q Acoustics 2050i tomorrow. After much soul (and bank account) searching, the household budgeting committee (aka the wife) rejected the spend on the Audiolab (or similar).

Separately, I've discovered that the song Submission by Delphic is a really quite a good system strecher - fantastic low end that needs to be held tightly, with good vocals mixed in with a complex middle layer and the high hat/cymbals on the high end all need to be presented together.
I wanted to give you all an update. Having tried a few CD players this morning, I went for the Marantz CD6005. The difference in clarity and detail between this and my old CD5001 is phenomenal! I'm actually happy with my speakers at the moment (Missiom M73 from way back when). They seem to be performing admirbaly with the Yamaha A-S500. Finally, have a good, albeit budget, hifi system and massive grin on my face 😀
Further update.

I am now in possession of a pair of Tannoy DC6T SEs. My god, they are good. Proper controlled deep bass, no boominess. Lovely defined middle and top end sparkle without being overtly bright. They are partner up surprisingly well with the Yamaha A-S500. I even got them for a song as my original order of Tannoy DC6Ts was out of stock subsequent to my order.

I am now in musical nirvana 😀


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