CD Player alternatives


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am thinking of upgrading my 10 year old SONY cd player. I have around £1000 but am wondering if there are any decent alternatives to CD. I was hoping there maybe a neat one box solution that could store all my cds on, and play them through my current amp allowing me to select particular tracks or a selection of tracks. In an ideal world this system would also cater for playing MP3 downloads as well. Does such a system exist?
have a look at spotify ... then build a system around that

I am thinking of upgrading my 10 year old SONY cd player. I have around £1000 but am wondering if there are any decent alternatives to CD. I was hoping there maybe a neat one box solution that could store all my cds on, and play them through my current amp allowing me to select particular tracks or a selection of tracks. In an ideal world this system would also cater for playing MP3 downloads as well. Does such a system exist?

It depends on what amp you have and whether you are happy to sacrifice that for an all-in-one system. The new Naim Uniti caters for all the things you hanker after (see 'review' section on this forum). other than that there are various other 'music centres' if you like, such as Arcam Solo Mini, Marantz etc.

What is your budget? this will give us a better idea on the options available.
I am thinking of upgrading my 10 year old SONY cd player. I have around £1000 but am wondering if there are any decent alternatives to CD. I was hoping there maybe a neat one box solution that could store all my cds on, and play them through my current amp allowing me to select particular tracks or a selection of tracks. In an ideal world this system would also cater for playing MP3 downloads as well. Does such a system exist?

You just used it,when you started this thread
I am looking for a similar solution such to windows media player but want it to play cds with highish end quality, say similar to a £500-1000 cd player through my existing amp and speakers. I quite rarely listen to a whole album now and just wondered if there was a system that could allow me to select a number of descrete tracks. The niam uniti comes close but would it play through my existing amp and am I able to store upto 500 cds.
you will find plenty who are happy with the sound from a pc and dac, but imo you won't get the same sound quality as you do from a dedicated cdp. maybe a dac that buffers the signal first would do it or uses firewire and so acts as the master clock for the data from the pc, but these are pretty pricey.
Been doing some thinking on this one!

Waiting to be flamed but I play everying including my current CD through my Denon Av Receiver amp (AV3803), so in that vain!, I am thinking a high end hard drive dvd player maybe what i am looking for. Stores all my tracks - tick, allows playing of mp3 or lossless downloads - tick, allows me to select specific tracks - tick!. I wont use it for DVD/HDTV storage and playback as I already have skyHD to store my films etc, but i like the sound of being able to choose the tracks through the tv menu.

Am I barking mad!? Is this a credible solution to CD for my needs? Any recommendations?


I am thinking of upgrading my 10 year old SONY cd player. I have around £1000 but am wondering if there are any decent alternatives to CD. I was hoping there maybe a neat one box solution that could store all my cds on, and play them through my current amp allowing me to select particular tracks or a selection of tracks. In an ideal world this system would also cater for playing MP3 downloads as well. Does such a system exist?

Try finding an Arcam FMJ MS250.

It's a high quality CDP, combined with a 400gb hard drive. They wanted £3000 back when released, but they can be found for much nearer your budget (Brand new ones were being listed on ebay for around £1200)
Lots and lots of options here, starting with - as pointed out above - the thing you're typing on. You can use your PC to stream to an aAirport Express, Squeezebox, or Apple TV, plugged into the back of your amp. You can improve the sound further with all of those by adding a 100-250 quid DAC such as a Beresford or DACMagic, and depending on your setup, can control it with something like an iPod Touch or iPhone.

In my experience, even with my fairly modest DACMagic DAC, such a system is absolutely up there with a CD player of a grand and up.
What about that little Brennan system thats often advertised in the magazine?


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