Can i send a Pc / MAC signal output via HDMI through my Pioneer LX81 amp and on to my PDP 5090?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can i send a Pc / MAC signal output via HDMI through my Pioneer LX81 amp and on to my PDP 5090?

i want to create a 'juke box' style display on my TV whilst listening to music, has any body got any thoughts or experiences?
Yes - many Windows laptops have HDMI out these days so I think that's all you'd need. The 2010 MacBooks carry audio as well as video on their 'mini-displayport' socket I believe so you'd just need a mini-displayport to HDMI adapter which can be had reletively cheaply through the Apple store. Pre 2010 it was video only so you'd have to use a separate optical cable as I do.
Thanks Dan. i have been told today that i could use a MAC mini in conjunction with a NAS for storage - the mini has HDMI out, so this will send both sound and video through the amp?! Does this sound correct to you?!!

Thanks again!
Yep, though you don't necessarily need a NAS, you cam use the mac's internal storage or just attach a big USB drive. Indeed, if you go down the mac route having network storage ends up being a bit pointless on the whole.
Hi John, thats brilliant - thanks for quick reply!

In your opion, is Apple's 'Front Row' better than WMP for music and video? I thought it looked very slick and thats all i intend to use the MAC mini for - that and maybe some photo editing!

Any thoughts greatly received.
To me they're both very attractive UI-wise, though it's slightly fiddlier to get WMP to show ripped DVDs (you need to make a registry change, though it's well documented). No option for BluRay on a Mac though (no or ever, probably), which may sway you.

Macs play music slightly better out of the box, in my experience, though they can be made to sound equal with some faffage.

Mac for photo editing every time for me though (it just handles memory a bit better, in my experience).
Thanks John. Is there any other 'systems' I've over looked? All i really want is to be able to store my music and movies on a drive and be able to select them from my TV screen! I'm assuming a PC or MAC is the only way to do this?!
Not quite, there are some proprietary systems out there which will let you do it and minimise the fuss, though you're talking stupid money. A Mac or PC is incredibly flexible and cheap (in relative terms), and I'd choose one every time.
You don't say what you want to playback ?

Regardless Pc or Mac would offer the most flexibility.

A PC has more configuration options but you have to be careful to select the right one, it's very annoying to have a PC with a noisy fan underneath your TV (I know I've lived through a couple). Mac Mini is a quiet machine, so are the Acer Revo's, not sure about the ASROCK Ions. My current PC is very quiet, I replace all fans with passive heatsinks or Arctic cooling fans which spin nice and slow.

My opinion Windows 7 media centre is excellent, better than Mac options or Myth or other similar media packages, compliment Windows media centre with PowerDVD (10 ultra) or Arcsoft TMT3 and you have BD, HDDVD (for TMT3) and MKV formats !

Your alternatives are the many "media" players but these may restrict what you can do or limit your playback formats.


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