Cambridge audio 840a


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Ive recently bought one of these and after demoing a few amps in the same price bracket (cyrus roksan MF) i choose the CA and am very pleased with it....soooo much detail that was being lost via my onkyo 875 is clear as bell throught the CA BUT after a lot of listening ive come to the conclusion its a little light in the bass department or lean if you choose.....anyone else found the same or is just me?
garethwd:Ive recently bought one of these and after demoing a few amps in the same price bracket (cyrus roksan MF) i choose the CA and am very pleased with it....soooo much detail that was being lost via my onkyo 875 is clear as bell throught the CA BUT after a lot of listening ive come to the conclusion its a little light in the bass department or lean if you choose.....anyone else found the same or is just me?

Is this the version 2 model gareth or the same one I have? Mine is absolutely not bass light!! The complete opposite actually. Could it be your speakers or your interconnects?

From what I've read the Quads offer good bass but not really deep bass.
yes mines the not sure whats up compared to the onk its got sooo much more detail better timing ect ect but it doesnt have as much weight to the sound! ive changed my speaker cable from qed silver bi wire to chord silver screen and also had a play with my interconnects swapping my qed silver spiral to Van dehull the name and got a little more bass but as much as im used too or now foolishly looking at floorstanders reviews 🙂
The 12ls arnt bad in the bass department or havnt been with the other amplification they've been sat on the end off in the past
garethwd:yes mines the not sure whats up compared to the onk its got sooo much more detail better timing ect ect but it doesnt have as much weight to the sound! ive changed my speaker cable from qed silver bi wire to chord silver screen and also had a play with my interconnects swapping my qed silver spiral to Van dehull the name and got a little more bass but as much as im used too or now foolishly looking at floorstanders reviews 🙂

It's definitely not the amp - which is a beast!

I used to have the VDH Name and changed to Chord for the better. Although Chord Odyssey or Rumour will give a more solid sound I do think that it's your bookshelves that are holding back the thump.
garethwd:The 12ls arnt bad in the bass department or havnt been with the other amplification they've been sat on the end off in the past

It might be that the 875 was giving more bass but a not so clean bass so it sounded heavier.
Id kinda be inclined too agree about the standmounters (hence the floorstander browseing) but the thing that concerns me is that fact that bass has never been an issue before with the quads....more tinkering i think
You'll probably find that it is just much more controlled.

It might be that the 875 was giving more bass but a so clean bass so it sounded heavier

Could well be right fellas mmmmmmm or it could be that i need some proac floorstanders 😉
garethwd:You'll probably find that it is just much more controlled.

It might be that the 875 was giving more bass but a so clean bass so it sounded heavier

Could well be right fellas mmmmmmm or it could be that i need some proac floorstanders 😉

You will be smiling! The 840A is such a steal at the moment (I know that there are hardly any left). Anyone who overlooks it because it's a Cambridge Audio product must be mad. For £399 it just destroys other amps in that price bracket.
To add another vote toward the 840A, I got mine (V1) in January and thought just like you for the first couple of weeks. Then it all fell into place. I think you need a few long listening sessions for the treble to calm down a lot. Three months down the road, my system sounds fine, and the bass I thought I was missing sort of "came back home"... lol. I can probably give much better speakers to drive, which I can't afford right now. But where there is bass on the recording I can hear it. Time to enjoy the music now!
garethwd:Ive recently bought one of these and after demoing a few amps in the same price bracket (cyrus roksan MF) i choose the CA and am very pleased with it....soooo much detail that was being lost via my onkyo 875 is clear as bell throught the CA BUT after a lot of listening ive come to the conclusion its a little light in the bass department or lean if you choose.....anyone else found the same or is just me?

I think it's a great product. Almost anything CA produces these days seems to be a technical tour de force and good value for money.

Careful system matching is probably necessary to avoid the 8 series from sounding a bit mechanical, that was my impression anyhow.


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