fpsasm:plastic penguin:
fpsasm:mission 734+735 atm, then upgrading to something like Mordaunt Short Perforamce 6
I'm afraid you're slightly thinking above your post. The MS Performance 6 retails at around £3,500, so what amp and CDP, realistically, are you looking to drive them with?
If I'm putting a spoke in your wheels, I apologise, but don't even think of anything below the two grand mark.
Do you think a bi-amped Cyrus setup would be suffice..
p.s i dont wanna buy non-bristish. and i know how much MS-P6 retail at...
Personal opinion?....NO! All amps will suffice, but spending below 2K mark won't get anywhere the best out of them. Cyrus is too bright. You'd be better off with lesser speakers and having a more balanced set-up.
Carrying on from what Chebby said, and quite rightly, you'll be better off whistling in the wind. Very few makes I know of are totally British. Unless, you want to buy pre-1975 stuff. Sorry, not being facetious, just reality.....