Calling Lindsayt


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
This is not a test!

I am going to take a sideways step and try another passive setup, in the interests of science and all that.

Where would be a good place to start looking and what at, for large efficient speakers in the Lindsayt style? Not being facetious, just looking for something different. Actually, they don't necessarily need to be huge, just very good.

They will be going into a room of approximately three meters by five initially.

Budget? Well, not much, lets say up to £100. Repairs are doable, but I don't really want to have to put in new crossovers or drivers to old boxes if I can help it.


New member
Jan 20, 2012
I won't say anything at all, for fear that it might be taken the wrong way and cause offence where none might be intended.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
CnoEvil said:
What about something like this, if they go cheap enough (and if sensitive enough)?

I was also going to recommend the MA R852MD, but don't see any listed atm...they are usually cheaper than the Epos as less well known.

Thanks for that Cno, duly added to watch list, although I am going to wait for the right speakers. The MAs look good too.


New member
Oct 1, 2011
How efficient do you want?

It will be a tough ask for £100, most stuff will be pretty pants at that price if you are only going for large/effficient speakers.

As a compromise, something like the Rega Jura can be had for £100, largish 8" Mid Bass, not the best controlled in the bass unless you plug the port but good fun!

I have a pair of Tannoy Chesters that I could give you on extended loan you if you are at all local to Oxford/Swindon area, 10" Tannoy Dual Concentric, the drivers are not perfect but they work. Cabs are a bit tatty but then they are just sitting in the loft at the moment. Goes well enough with a little T-Amp in my room, the Bryston is more than enough for them. They are around 91dB-93dB IIRC, they dont have the lowest bass response as you would expect from a higher efficiency 10" in a smallish ported cabinet but its tight and punchy.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
That's a kind offer, however I live a bit too far away. I may forego the high efficiency bit, as I now have more than enough power for just about anything. I imagine high efficiency drivers to be quite coloured, but wanted to test this for myself.

This is largely a party system, with as much hifi element as possible.


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