[quote user="Oldskool"]This arguement is absolute nonsense and to attack others posting here with (hopefully) genuine views is totally unproductive and against the principles of my original post.
Of course these are differences between CD players and amplifiers, they contain thousands of components including drive motors etc all of which are built to a price or a standard. The tolerances of these components and the design all contribute to the performance and in general, I believe there is the law of diminishing returns here. Double the price, 25% better, double again, 10% better, quadruple the price again, 5% better etc etc. Cables have no moving parts, no components, and are usually 2 cores of metal transferring a voltage/current from one place to another through a connector at each end.
Totally, different!
At your Nordost demo, you may well have to be deaf not to have heard the difference, so do you really believe that they would be really using a top quality cable against their own as a demo? Have you ever seen an HD disc demo (either Blu-Ray or HD DVD) where they have the HD image one side of the screen and the "normal" DVD image the other? Any muppet who thinks that the DVD image is "normal" in the first place deserves to get shafted. It's normally VHS quality to make the HD image look better. Similarly, next demo for Nordost, try asking them to compare their cable with that as used by our friend Thaiman here and see the response!
I think you have spent good money on good cables and good luck to you if you are happy with the results but I think you are naive in thinking that demo's are fair and you should be more tolerant of others views, even if they do not agree with yours. Nobody here is argueing, we are just agreeing to disagree and with the length of this thread, it has proven productive, certainly to me.
Diversifying slightly, could it be that our equipment, (certainly not mine), could be approaching or surpassing the quality of the original source? Even my equipment can detect a poorly recorded "pop" CD, and can certainly show a good quality recording as just that. With audio equipment specifications now producing responses WAY in excess of the capabilities of the human ear, (I never really understood why if you cannot hear it at high frequencies, ok on bass as you feel it) are we now entering the realm of Master Recordings, similar to Vinyl? If this IS the case, then what is this equipment price break, as spending more on better equipment will produce no sonic improvement.
And finally, I regularly hear the terms "warm", "bright" and "harsh" when describing sonic performance, far more often than "accurate". (Especially when describing cables). Does this mean we are tuning our system to what sounds best to US, rather than reproducing an accurate rendition of the original recording? If so, then have we actually reached the pinnacle of sound reproduction and then de-tuned it to suit ourselves?
I think we need more comments from a professional studio musician who can compare their live instrument sound to a reproduction of that sound. It's the only true test.
Well isnt this forum supposed to be informative to an extent? i dont know about you but i cant not comment on some of the utter rubbish that has been written by some people on this thread. Sure, be tolerant towards some comments but If someone tells me the hi fi equivalent of the earth is flat then i am going to have a go, and rightly so. My comment about separates being all the same was sarcastic and intended to make a point about just how stupid the "all interconnects sound the same and mains cables dont work" comments have been. All interconnects sound different and thats as unarguable and as true as 2+2=4 .Maybe someoene would like to argue that the moon is made of cheese?Maybe we should start a thread on that? as for the guy at the hi fi exhibition, he only demo'd nordost cables against nordost cables.Not other brands.I have also heard them in hi fi shops, or maybe the great cable manufacturer conspiracy extends to the retailers too.maybe you cant justify thousands on cables and its a bit of a rip off but dont tell me that noone will be able to hear the difference.