I doubt it RS, even if your not a 'cable guy' your not going to turn your nose up at Nordost cabling in any electronic goods. I cant imagine any one thinking 'i'd prefer a cheaper alternative'. It just shows the quality of the product and how serious they are about their product. Thumbs up Leema.
Not so sure of that shooter, I reckon that with the premium that's slapped on Leema's product as a result of that, it rather puts me off to some degree. If the guys at McIntosh, or at least, one of their engineers amongst a whole host of others out there, reckon their gear doesn't need it (and on checking, McIntosh occupy the same level in the hifi stratosphere and then some that Leema do), I'd be listening to them as much as Leema and doing the sums then.
Nordost Shmordost, if that means the product's gone up by £xxx hundred, seriously not interested. Mind you, as the Tuc's over £2500 anyway, that's an academic issue for me!