

New member
Aug 24, 2007
Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

I think this would do as an explanation to the question "Why's HiFi so totally male orientated?"

Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

I think this would do as an explanation to the question "Why's HiFi so totally male orientated?"

Are you trying to say that a new pair of Leboutins would be preferable to a new Nordost Valhalla for most girls.

JoelSim:Are you trying to say that a new pair of Leboutins would be preferable to a new Nordost Valhalla for most girls

They wouldn't be balanced.


Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

I think this would do as an explanation to the question "Why's HiFi so totally male orientated?"

Are you trying to say that a new pair of Leboutins would be preferable to a new Nordost Valhalla for most girls.


. Actually I would not say that, primarily because until I just googled I had never heard of Leboutins.

Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

I think this would do as an explanation to the question "Why's HiFi so totally male orientated?"

Are you trying to say that a new pair of Leboutins would be preferable to a new Nordost Valhalla for most girls.


. Actually I would not say that, primarily because until I just googled I had never heard of Leboutins.

Yes I was in Shoe City the other day looking for a birthday present for the missus and couldn't find any either, so got her some Hush Puppies instead. I think she'll be pleased as they are comfort fit.
Interesting. That is the first time I have heard of any hifi that has used 'audiophile' grade cabling internally. Others may well do, but it is unbranded and they see no reason to change that.
JoelSim:Yes I was in Shoe City the other day looking for a birthday present for the missus and couldn't find any either, so got her some Hush Puppies instead. I think she'll be pleased as they are comfort fit.Hmmm. Comfort fit Hush Puppies instead of Leboutin. Yes.

I wouldn't be looking to change any more equipment in the next decade, Mr Sim.
idc:Interesting. That is the first time I have heard of any hifi that has used 'audiophile' grade cabling internally. Others may well do, but it is unbranded and they see no reason to change that.

Kudos speakers use Chord cabling internally
And Roger Russell of McIntosh advocates otherwise and goes into some detail why no great amount need be spent on cables or speaker wires. I understand Ashley James of AVI holds a similar opinion.
Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

So really, the tucana's only worth about £1500 without the non-essential Nordost onboard then? Wonder if anyone who's bought a Tucana that doesn't believe in the expensive cable ethos suddenly feels a bit cheated...?
idc:Interesting. That is the first time I have heard of any hifi that has used 'audiophile' grade cabling internally. Others may well do, but it is unbranded and they see no reason to change that.

Shahinian speakers use Kimber internally
the record spot:JoelSim:
Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

So really, the tucana's only worth about £1500 without the non-essential Nordost onboard then? Wonder if anyone who's bought a Tucana that doesn't believe in the expensive cable ethos suddenly feels a bit cheated...?

I doubt it RS, even if your not a 'cable guy' your not going to turn your nose up at Nordost cabling in any electronic goods. I cant imagine any one thinking 'i'd prefer a cheaper alternative'. It just shows the quality of the product and how serious they are about their product. Thumbs up Leema.

As you know i am a 'cable guy' and my turntable tone arm is Valhalla cabled not that i want it to be i would prefer Cardas and i'm waiting on a reply email from them to see if its possible. A simple rewire would be okay but the stumbling block is the twist in the cable which acts as an anti-skate, hopefully i'll get a result.

Bye the way, good to see your enjoying your Leema Joel.
idc:Interesting. That is the first time I have heard of any hifi that has used 'audiophile' grade cabling internally. Others may well do, but it is unbranded and they see no reason to change that.

You got a point. A lot of amplifiers (seem to) have relatively simple, thin wiring internally from output stage to speaker terminals. Difficult to always determine what is used as a lack of space precludes the use of stiff cable jackets but most just look like ordinary copper fare. Then we pay a great deal of attention to speaker cable. Kind of makes you wonder what could be done if internal wiring is upgraded.

I guess the problem with amplifier>speaker wiring is always the way it can change amplifier behaviour so any changes there could be not just trial and error but potentially damaging. I may be wrong though.

I doubt it RS, even if your not a 'cable guy' your not going to turn your nose up at Nordost cabling in any electronic goods. I cant imagine any one thinking 'i'd prefer a cheaper alternative'. It just shows the quality of the product and how serious they are about their product. Thumbs up Leema.

Not so sure of that shooter, I reckon that with the premium that's slapped on Leema's product as a result of that, it rather puts me off to some degree. If the guys at McIntosh, or at least, one of their engineers amongst a whole host of others out there, reckon their gear doesn't need it (and on checking, McIntosh occupy the same level in the hifi stratosphere and then some that Leema do), I'd be listening to them as much as Leema and doing the sums then.

Nordost Shmordost, if that means the product's gone up by £xxx hundred, seriously not interested. Mind you, as the Tuc's over £2500 anyway, that's an academic issue for me!
Yes I was in Shoe City the other day looking for a birthday present for the missus and couldn't find any either, so got her some Hush Puppies instead. I think she'll be pleased as they are comfort fit.

I really hope you enjoy the new amp for as long as possible mate, if you bought Hush Puppies instead of Leboutin, you might end up eating little bits of your lovely Leema for a while as your significant other sprinkles ciruit boards and solder over your dinner.........
the record spot:shooter69:

I doubt it RS, even if your not a 'cable guy' your not going to turn your nose up at Nordost cabling in any electronic goods. I cant imagine any one thinking 'i'd prefer a cheaper alternative'. It just shows the quality of the product and how serious they are about their product. Thumbs up Leema.

I reckon that with the premium that's slapped on Leema's product as a result of that, it rather puts me off to some degree. If the guys at McIntosh, or at least, one of their engineers amongst a whole host of others out there, reckon their gear doesn't need it (and on checking, McIntosh occupy the same level in the hifi stratosphere and then some that Leema do), I'd be listening to them as much as Leema and doing the sums then.!

Well yes there will be a price to pay for the internal cabling and it would run into the low hundreds but Leema think it adds to their product. I'm not certain but i'm pretty sure there would of built prototype amps with differing cable and found Nordost to their liking. In the end that internal cable could of been any brand but they went with what they heard and by all account they heard well!
Why on earth would it add up to hundreds? It's a small piece of wire, trade not a consumer product with everyone's margin added.

It's only in the speaker stage too.

Interesting thing to me is with all the cables I have had (many), the Nordost has always said space and air. Look at my review from last night, what did it say? Space and air. That was before I had read the manual and seen the bit about Nordost.

I don't want to start a cable war here, but I have consistently been very impressed with Nordost, and less-so with many other brands, some of which have had negligible, if any, effect.
the record spot:JoelSim:
Interesting to read in the Leema handbook last night that the ex-BBC sound engineers advocate using good cables to connect the equipment, to the point that the Tucana 2 is actually wired internally using Nordost.

So really, the tucana's only worth about £1500 without the non-essential Nordost onboard then? Wonder if anyone who's bought a Tucana that doesn't believe in the expensive cable ethos suddenly feels a bit cheated...?

That's £2,000 for a bit of Nordost cable RS? Don't feel cheated in the slightest, it sounds stunning.

Best amp over £2,500 for WHF in the reviews.
JoelSim:Why on earth would it add up to hundreds? It's a small piece of wire...

Y'see, that's always been the bit that gets me with the whole cable thing...!
JoelSim:That's £2,000 for a bit of Nordost cable RS? Don't feel cheated in the slightest, it sounds stunning.
Best amp over £2,500 for WHF in the reviews.

And I jest to some degree, given what I heard of the Pulse which I thought was extremely good, I should imagine the same and more of the Tucana. Tongue-in-cheek.

Still, I see a 1m pair of their Valhalla interconnects will set you back a shade over £3000, so I guess you must've had a bargain!
the record spot:JoelSim:Why on earth would it add up to hundreds? It's a small piece of wire...

Y'see, that's always been the bit that gets me with the whole cable thing...!

3k is stupid amount for most of us and to be honest i'm not keen on the Nordost 'sound' but a lot of people are including Joel. If you search Youtube for Valhalla you'll come across a young man pulling apart a Valhalla cable,its an interesting watch on more than one level!
I didn't mention anything about a Valhalla! Don't forget Nordost products start at less than £100.

I'm also more than aware that there is a huge R&D cost to be amatised across the small quantity of the hi-end cables sold by a compant such as Nordost (as well as all the other fixed and variable costs). You know if Rolls Royce sold 4 million cars a year then the cost of each one would be much much lower.


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