BW CM1 speaker issues


May 22, 2021
Hey guys,

I had some BW cm1’s hooked up to a Cambridge audio amp (bi wired) for 3 weeks and sounded perfect! I since bought some speaker stands... unplugged them/reconnected and have just run into issues ever since. It seems the left side sounds dead and distorted. To the point I have to turn it off instantly as it sounds awful (like the speakers are blown)

I’ve since swapped the speakers around and it’s always on the left hand side so I guess this means the speakers are OK? Tried another channel... worked for a bit now back to square one. For reference I’ve tried my old acoustic solution floor standers and they seem to be worked absolutely fine. (Tried the bw’s with a single wire setup too with bridges)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! I’m thinking it’s the amp but don’t want to buy another amp to find out my speakers are toast!
As always Alex, it's a just process of logical elimination to be sure where the problem is.
1) You say the fault remains on the left when you swap the B&W s.
2) Yet your Acoustic Solutions seem OK on both channels on the end of the same cables?
1 and 2 can't both be right. Be sure of what's what before taking the next step.

Can you plug headphones into your amp to see if they're OK on both channels?
When you unplugged the speakers was the amplifier on?
if it is always the left side with this issue then it points to an amplifier problem or an issue with that speaker cable but you say it is fine with the Acoustic Solutions.
This does not make sense
As above, you need to check methodically. But the first thing that occurred to me was that disconnecting bi-wired speakers, and then reconnecting them gives plenty of opportunities to make a mistake. Stray wires touching; phase reversed to one driver; amp left on and the cables touched causing a short.

Please revert when you’ve rechecked everything.


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