BT mains conditioner

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Mr Spot, the horror when I went to myEbay and saw that you've bought the beastie I was going to get

Enjoy it, I'd like to hear your feedback if you're willing

Come to think of it, I have an APC UPS in the loft. It never occurred to me to try it on the hifi......

the record spot

Sorry.....! If it doesn't float my boat, you can have first dibs on it if you like. Just checked the space we have and it might be a slightly tricky fit after all. I'll let you know how it goes though.


If it helps these units can fit on the wall (1 rawplug) so don't need much space.
Once you get it plugged in and have a listen I doubt you will want to let it go!

Hope on my last post you didn't think I was talking to you, it was GF I was replying to.

Think things will be fine with the 3 items you mentioned plugged in.
You might try to plug the TV in as well, perhaps joining it to the CD player socket.


trevor79:Hey Up, its you again.

I wonder, can you see daylight?
For some one who has his head so far up his ar.. that he has formed such posted views again

Very poor English, clueless about electronics and electrics and very rude as well. Oh dear.


Grimly Fiendish:
trevor79:Hey Up, its you again.

I wonder, can you see daylight?
For some one who has his head so far up his ar.. that he has formed such posted views again

Very poor English, clueless about electronics and electrics and very rude as well. Oh dear.

Good Yorkshire speak my lad!
As to clueless please direct me to any helpful/knowledgeable posts you have made.

My ears and heart tell me all I need to know about a musical performance, my brain and knowledge guides me on how to achieve it.

It pleases me to be of help to enthusiasts who want to gain greater musical pleasure, after all I thought that's what this forum was for?

the record spot

Well, it's on its way - received an email from the courier and should be here hopefully by the end of the week. Now just hoping to sneak it by Mrs. R_S who, if recent opinions are anything to go by, is likely to be less than pleased at the prospect of the new hardware arrival!


I would try to plug it on without her knowing and see if she picks up on how much nicer things sound!

You will be half way there then! :)

the record spot

Well, to paraphrase Colin Clive in the 1931 "Frankenstein" - "It's arrived! It's arrived!". Plugged in and we are up and running. Downside, reeks of smoke; the seller didn't make that clear....big minus points there. Need to do a blind listening test when it's fully warmed up however. Will let you know how it goes!

the record spot

OK, how typical is this - I got the MCU out to plug in but whilst giving it a quick wipe down to remove the tobacco odours (no offence meant tobacco fans, but, it stank!), I noticed there was a break in the mains cable - the underlying wires are exposed and it looks like you can see the inner silver cable within those, so I'm less than keen to plug this in!

Two questions spring to mind (apart from a quick email to the Ebay seller):-

1) How straightforward would this be to fix - I'm no electrician, but I take it a skilled bod could whip the lid off and replace the mains cable with a new one?

2) Any idea of cost?


Crickey. Back to the seller for repair would be the ideal but something tells me that's not going to happen. There's plenty of electronic repair people about and I can recommend one for Peterborough (not much use for you!). I'd be pretty surprised if they couldn't sort the wire issue out but it might be another £30 or so!

the record spot

Turns out (having rechecked) that the seller is a business seller and although the Return is but 7 days (just over now), the item is faulty and hence I'm covered by the Sale of Goods Act (not fit for purpose). I've sent a photo to a local electrical repair shop and waiting a quote in return.

EDIT: Turns out there is a 3 month warranty on it. Sounds good, but the cost of postage is a pain.


Sorry to hear of your bad luck, might be best to return for a full refund given what you have said.
It is a sealed unit so it is not straight forward getting the cover off it.


A happy new year to everyone!

I imagine like many of you, have been really enjoying music, films and TV over the holidays, my system has been working hard!
Friends have all really enjoyed the involvement of the music and the picture quality on the TV.

I wonder how many of you now have a BT MCU on your list to buy?

Keep enjoying your films and music.


I wonder how many of you now have a BT MCU on your list to buy? .

I wonder why BT are getting rid of them.


Grimly Fiendish:
I wonder how many of you now have a BT MCU on your list to buy? .

I wonder why BT are getting rid of them.

Are they?
News to me, tell me more.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2015
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These mains conditioning units have received a mixed bag of reveiews upon trawling the net. Just remember they were designed for protecting critical PABX telecommunications systems in commercial and public environments such as hospitals, not as a mains filter for hi-fi. They are built to a very high standard and I have been most impressed with mine which is a BT MCU 5A/1000 with four discrete mains outlets. It was decomissioned from an exchange system at a former hospital.

My only note of caution is that if buying these units, especially privately or from auction site ssuch as eBay, ensure that the seller has title of ownership as most of these units technically remain the property of BT as in the vast majority of installations they are provided under a lease agreement. Don't go falling foul of he law by handling what effectively may be stolen property. Most organisations such as hospitals, government innstitutions and large companies will give a proper exchange of ownership pro-forma.

These BT units will certainly give a discernable improvement in sound over no filtration of your mains supply. How they compare with more expensive and esoteric units from Isotek etc is a matter for your own ears and wallet/purse.

Please also be aware that these devices were predominantly used on telephony equipent which has a relatively low current drain and even the larger units such as the BT MCU5A/1000 only offer a maximum total output of 4.0 amps at 230 volts so do be aware of the limitations, especially if you're using high current drain power amplifiers. That output is total, so across each of the four sockets it is an aggregated 1.0 amps. Merely uprating the mains fuse will not surfice.

Many of these units are in excess of 20 years old and there are lots of modifications over the years with each model, but they are all built to a very high standard and reliability ought not to be an issue. They are primarily designed to suppres surges in voltage, rather than regulating the overall flux of power.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2010
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Thanks John for the info but also congrats for digging up a 8 year old thread, surely a new record.

oh by the way I have actually brought one of these units off a ebay seller but it didn't come with any paperwork so lets keep it a secret between friends.



New member
Oct 21, 2016
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"These BT units will certainly give a discernable improvement in sound over no filtration of your mains supply. "

Really? Why do you think that?


New member
Dec 26, 2013
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I posted the photo so everyone can see that it's the simplest kind of mains noise filtering, and with no mythical build quality, just off the shelf parts. They sell for 25 GBP (150W unit) on ebay and I would say that is a realistic price. That's pretty much what I have in my AVR unit (20 euros new, 1000VA), but it has a plastic case and rubbish plugs.


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
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I'm confused about these BT mains filters. Take the MCU 5A/125VA. The device has a maximum load of 0.5A which means the maximum power rated device that can be connected is 130W. This is insufficient for just an integrated amplifier. Am I missing something?