Blu ray players output res?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

Can anyone tell me if you can independantly select differnt resoulutions for the HDMI outputs for DVD and blu ray? eg DVD to 576i and blu at 1080p! reason being to let my reon in my onk to do the upscailing duties for dvd whilst allowing blu rays to run at native resoulution on either the panosonic or sony blu players.

maybe! but ive read a few posts compairing the sony 550 to the denon 1940, and imo the onks better than the 1940 in fact its near as dam the same as my 2930 which not long ago was £650 dvd deck. i suppose only a demo will tell!
In my experience, most standalones don't allow you to select different output resolutions depending on the source. I won't say all, because I haven't seen them all!
ive just been on the sony website and checked the manual it doesnt look like you can set different resolutions for dvd and blu ray! shame as the sony looked quite appealing as it can be made dvd region free. Its just it will be replacing my 2930 for dvd duties and i dont want a backwards step.
garethwd:maybe! but ive read a few posts compairing the sony 550 to the denon 1940, and imo the onks better than the 1940 in fact its near as dam the same as my 2930 which not long ago was £650 dvd deck. i suppose only a demo will tell!

That would have been me! I wanted to stay conservative about the Sony as I'd only played a couple of dvds on it. It's sharper than my old Denon (which I thought was excellent) with more accuracy and vibrancy. However, once you've watched a BD, dvds start to make you log on to ebay and put them up for sale!
"Source direct" (576i and 1080p automatically without changing settings) only possible with the new Pioneer players from Profile 1.1 and beyond machines - BDP-51FD due soon at RRP £399 - should be interesting.

The Denon 2500BT strangely too does not have this feature - I would have thought this would be an obvious inclusion given its emphasis on external high-end decoding.
Acquiescer:The Denon 2500BT strangely too does not have this feature - I would have thought this would be an obvious inclusion given its emphasis on external high-end decoding.
I understand where you're coming from, as in being given a choice point of view, but personally I would expect a £900 player to do an incredible job in upscaling DVDs....
Fair enough - it just seems to be contrary to the ethos of the machine, i.e. doing the scaling where it will be most effective (in a high end setup in which the Denon belongs possibly an dedicated external video processing unit) in the same way as the sound decoding would be in a suitably equipped receiver.

The 3800BD seems to concentrate more on in-house decoding - with the Realta chip etc. and I'd understand why source direct was not offered.
Acquiescer:Fair enough - it just seems to be contrary to the ethos of the machine, i.e. doing the scaling where it will be most effective (in a high end setup in which the Denon belongs possibly an dedicated external video processing unit) in the same way as the sound decoding would be in a suitably equipped receiver.

The 3800BD seems to concentrate more on in-house decoding - with the Realta chip etc. and I'd understand why source direct was not offered.

I'm with the prof on this one, the scaler on that Denon will be as good as the one in the top of the range Denon AV receivers.


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